Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

2023 Wrapped
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

2023 Wrapped

It’s almost 2023. Are you ready? What will you have done by the end of next year?

I can hear you now. “Wait! We aren’t even done with 2022 and already you want me to think of next December?”

Yes! Now is the time to start dreaming about what will make 2023 a successful year. Don’t worry, you can change your mind. You can make different choices. For now, just start dreaming (and write them down)…

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Reaching for that Better Feeling
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Reaching for that Better Feeling

Sometimes we don’t know why something happenings or doesn’t. We may never know.

When something doesn’t go your way, allow yourself to have the initial reaction. Then move on. The quicker you can get to a space where you can acknowledge that it didn’t show up the way you wanted, the quicker you can allow something really good to come from that.

In short, find something good about what happens.

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A Gratitude Thanksgiving
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

A Gratitude Thanksgiving

Did you know that being thankful and grateful can release the hold of depression?

This works because you are shifting your focus to something that does work for you AND you change how you actually feel within your body.  Think of it as a treasure hunt for something even better.

This leads to you feeling better and better.  Thus, the depression lifts.

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Being Grateful Even When...Naples was Hit by a Category 4 Hurricane
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

Being Grateful Even When...Naples was Hit by a Category 4 Hurricane

"Don't worry. It won't be bad," said my husband as he walked into the condo in Naples, Florida. I figured he knew what he was talking about since he's a Floridian. (And as a pilot, he understands weather patterns.) Famous last words.

I’m grateful my husband had fun in true Floridian fashion while staying safe. He took a nap, then played the piano, and drank wine while partying with the guys in the building.

The day after, Bruce was grateful to be alive…

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The Importance of Rest
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

The Importance of Rest

Do you need a break from life?
Are you tired of doing, doing, and more doing?
Are you feeling run down and still pushing forward?

It may be time for a rest.

Many people keep on running and doing and never actually rest. Even their vacations are action packed. I’ll bet you’ve heard people say, “I have to go home to rest up from my vacation.” The whole idea of taking time out of your daily life is to give your body a chance to rest.

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Notice the Blessings (Even if They are Late)
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Notice the Blessings (Even if They are Late)

What blessings are you missing – even though they are right in front of you?

Recently, my husband opened a card that I’d put on his pillow on our anniversary. Eleven months ago. He’d moved it to the nightstand and then forgot about it. (Obviously, dusting isn’t his job. If it was, it would be a very dirty nightstand.)

He asked if this was an early card. Nope. I’d been waiting for him to open it. Coincidentally, the focus of the card was about communications and laughing at how one of us says one thing and the other hears something else.

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Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way

The reality of high vibe consciousness is to stay high vibe EVEN WHEN others around you are freaking out. This is exactly what I did as soon as I heard of the shooting in my hometown this week.

My first thought was to send loving energy to everyone involved. Victims. Almost victims. The family of the shooter. And even the shooter. I surrounded them with love with the intention of calming their nervous systems.

My second thought was to raise my vibration even higher so that I could be more of an energetic help. I put on soft music and painted.

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Five Ways to Be Kind to Yourself
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Five Ways to Be Kind to Yourself

I am soooo incredibly grateful for the massive headaches that I had recently. Of course, while I had them and couldn’t see or think straight, I wasn’t so grateful. However, afterwards when I realized what they were about, the gratitude overflowed.

I realized that I was lucky. I was lucky that all I had was a massive week-long headache. It could have been much worse. I was able to give my body what it truly desired. Rest.

Before the headache started, I mentioned in a journal entry that I felt depleted. The energy had run out, and I was going on fumes. There were lots of reasons for it and if I’d been paying attention, this could all have been avoided…

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Thank You…A New Feeling Way to Manifest Something Better
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

Thank You…A New Feeling Way to Manifest Something Better

Are you a slave to your feelings?

Is hopelessness leading to inaction?

It’s time to step up and claim yourself.  You have the power within you.  It’s up to you to create the life you desire. It’s time for a reset within yourself.

Personal Story of How This Played Out

A few years ago, Shoshi, one of my daughters, was feeling down. She had ended a seven-year relationship and moved back home…

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I Spy Manifesting
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

I Spy Manifesting

One of the basic principles of manifesting is “what you focus on is what you get.”  Recently, I had a client challenge me on this in regard to gratitude.  He didn’t believe that if he focused on gratitude the Universe would bring him more to be grateful about.

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Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway...It’s Possible

My team has finally talked me into it. They have been directing me toward a gift for you. We tossed around ideas and finally chose it. I said, “We might as well start big.”

And I have. Here it is. Drum roll coaching.

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Relationship Boost - The Love List

Relationship Boost - The Love List

All too often couples find themselves playing the shame-blame game. He did this. She said that. And so on. All of this is low vibe and slowly tears apart the relationship. And the more this is done, the more high vibe slips away, and the worse people feel. This sets up a cycle of worse feelings feeding more worse feelings.

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Dare to Be Different

Dare to Be Different

The saying “You can be right, or you can be happy” takes on new meaning when you look through the lens of allowing yourself to be open to something even better. A recent client conveyed that she’d gotten a new job since the last time we spoke. It was her dream job. She went on to say that while the work was similar to her previous job, the new environment was her dream company culture.

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Manifesting Sight
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Manifesting Sight

When my kids were younger, Shoshanna was a handful to say the least.  There was always a lot of drama around her, she was very loud about it and my focus was on settling her down.  Admittedly, I didn't give the others all the attention that they could have used.

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Illuminating Your Values
Choice Judith Joy Choice Judith Joy

Illuminating Your Values

Your values are valuable. Values are those ideals that ourselves to be in order to live our lives. Who and what do you choose to be at the core of your being?

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Observe and Be
FOCUS Judith Joy FOCUS Judith Joy

Observe and Be

What do you do when you don’t do? I’ve heard that it’s not about doing. It’s about being.  And I thought I’d been doing that. Or rather, being that.

This past week, I understood it on a deeper level. It’s about observing.

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Gratitude: Focus On the Blessings
FOCUS Judith Joy FOCUS Judith Joy

Gratitude: Focus On the Blessings

It’s so exciting when I’m reading a fiction book and the author has the characters use a technique to raise the vibe.  Of course, the author doesn’t label it as such.  Even so, when it’s clearly laid out for the reader to do also, I know that the author is tapped into “creating a life that works for you.”

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