Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Bravery – Moving Through Uncomfortableness
Act with Purpose Judith Joy Act with Purpose Judith Joy

Bravery – Moving Through Uncomfortableness

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.” – George Bernard Shaw

We all face uncomfortable situations at some point in our lives. This is when things feel impossible. Sometimes, they scare us, and we have to do it anyway.

Think about confronting a problem or having to tell someone something they won’t like, making a phone call to someone new, or learning something new, such as driving a car for the first time. Your heart races. Your body starts to sweat. It’s difficult to swallow. Possibly, you even want to run away and not face whatever it is…

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Paying it Forward from High Vibe
Act with Purpose Judith Joy Act with Purpose Judith Joy

Paying it Forward from High Vibe

What do you do when you “have” to do something? Turn it high vibe and then it becomes fun.

Paying it forward is a family value that my family has embraced whole heartedly. It began with my grandparents modeling it, then my parents continued on, with me and my husband following in their footsteps, then my kids and their spouses, and now, the grandkids are involved. Paying it forward can feel like something that you “have” to do or something that you “get” to do.

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Living Phenomenally
Act with Purpose Judith Joy Act with Purpose Judith Joy

Living Phenomenally

Your job is to live a phenomenal life. Yet, many of us fear doing so. We hold onto something to be acceptable to others and fear making a mistake or being wrong.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

We are tribal beings and want to be “in the group.” It’s a survival thing. Think of early humans. They literally depended on each other to survive. If one was thrown out of the tribe, they would probably die.

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Manifesting from Ideals

Manifesting from Ideals

I got an interesting article in the mail today that got me thinking. The article was about why we celebrate July 4th as Independence Day. After all, that wasn’t the day we won the Revolutionary War. It was, however, the day that a group of men set forth the ideals of what was possible.

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Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway...It’s Possible

My team has finally talked me into it. They have been directing me toward a gift for you. We tossed around ideas and finally chose it. I said, “We might as well start big.”

And I have. Here it is. Drum roll coaching.

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Act As If…
Act with Purpose, Choice Judith Joy Act with Purpose, Choice Judith Joy

Act As If…

We do things for the feelings they will give us. I’m sure that you or someone you know has walked into a closet full of clothes and whined that there was nothing to wear. I know that I’ve done this. But is that true? No. You (or the person) were looking for a specific feeling and was hoping that the clothing would provide it. If you knew what the feeling was before even walking into the closet, then you would find something to wear much faster.

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