I Spy Manifesting

I Spy Manifesting

One of the basic principles of manifesting is “what you focus on is what you get.”  Recently, I had a client challenge me on this in regards to gratitude.  He didn’t believe that if he focused on gratitude the Universe would bring him more to be grateful about.

I struggled with how to explain it so that he could understand.  Two days went by and then I woke up dreaming of the explanation. 

In short, it’s the game I Spy.  Remember when you were a kid and you played I Spy?  Someone would pick a color and then you’d have to guess which object in the room had that color.  It always amazed me that before we played, I could see a few things with a certain color, however, once we were focusing on finding that color, it seemed to be all over the place. And the other colors seem to fall away.

Take a look around the room you are sitting in now.  Pick a color and then notice all the places that color appears. 

I tried playing I Spy with myself.  My office that has a lot of blues, teals, and creams.  So, I chose the color red since I know that there isn’t a lot of it. I noticed that red is on a few book covers, my computer screen (10 places on the home screen alone), a picture of my grandkids, the label of an unopened canvas, some paper flowers, a painting, and more.  If you’d asked me if there was red in my office, I’d have said no.  Obviously, once I became aware of it, I found it. 

So, why is this important? 

The same can happen with the feeling of gratitude.  It’s I Spy the feeling of gratitude.  As you focus on gratitude, you start to notice it more and more.

Gratitude is a high vibe feeling.  And as you may know, high vibe feelings are more coherent and thus create the space for more ease in your life, because there is less physical energy required to manifest.  And gratitude feels a whole lot better than depression, anxiety, shaming, blaming, and other low vibe feelings.

The next time you are looking for things to be grateful about, try the I Spy game and notice how much better you feel.  When you feel better, opportunities and preferences open up for you because you have changed your focus.


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