Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way

Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way

The reality of high vibe consciousness is to stay high vibe EVEN WHEN others around you are freaking out.  This is exactly what I did as soon as I heard of the shooting in my hometown this week.

My first thought was to send loving energy to everyone involved.  Victims. Almost victims.  The family of the shooter. And even the shooter.  I surrounded them with love with the intention of calming their nervous systems.

My second thought was to raise my vibration even higher so that I could be more of an energetic help.  I put on soft music and painted.

After I raised my vibration, I started responding to texts and phone calls from people asking if my family was okay.  I could feel the tears of the pain bubble up even though I’d raised my vibe.  Luckily, we are not parade goers and my family is fine, as are any friends who I knew about at the parade.

The rest of the day was a transition from high vibe to a bit lower vibe as news trickled in and then high vibe again.  I continued to raise the vibe and send out loving energy throughout the day. Holding my two-week-old grandson helped my family, and I focused on the feelings of love.

Then we started looking for the gratitude.  There is a lot to be grateful for even during a tragedy.  It’s important to start looking for these things so that you can feel better.  Afterall, you are in charge of your emotions.  Feel them and then go higher.

As my kids and I talked, we were laughing at the text I’d received from my husband who was out of town at sprint car races.  I’d texted, “Shooting at the parade.  We are all fine.”  He thought I said that I was taking pictures and said, “Have fun.”   This is pretty typical for us.  We say one thing and the other hears something else.  It was a good laugh at a time that we needed to feel better.

So, why go high vibe?

First, it feels better than depression, anxiety, anger, moaning, and groaning.  Laughter, love, joy, peace, calm, gratitude, and kindness will give you a better life and open the door to new possibilities that match the vibration you are putting out.

Second, you can’t solve a problem at the same vibration as the problem.  You have to raise your vibe to discover new solutions. It’s with these new solutions that things can improve.

So, take a moment and imagine your heart filling with love. Fill your entire being with this love.  And then share it with everyone. 

Even the shooter.  If his heart was filled with love, he wouldn’t have done the shooting. 

We have a serious lack of focus on love in our country right now. When we focus on tragedy, fear, anxiety, and anger we contribute to the energetic field of that vibration. This continues the ripple effect of low vibes. What the world needs now is to stop the contribution to the low vibes and to raise our vibes even higher.

Shift to a higher vibe inside of you and let the ripple effect of positive energy begin with you. The help you can send comes from love, so be that love.

I’m imagining a giant bucket filled with ruby and gold colors with the entire world fitting inside the bucket.  As my heart and soul fills with love, the bucket also fills.  Please take a cup or more if you need to start feeding your love.  Take a moment to fill yourself with love and contribute to the love bucket what you can.

Sending love to all the people involved, to the town, to the first responders, to those across the country, and to any past or future victims.  From this place of love, we will find a solution.  The answer is found in the high vibes.

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