Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Create Your Future... Reevaluate Your Life in Six Steps

Create Your Future... Reevaluate Your Life in Six Steps

Don’t let your future happen to you. Create it. One way to do this is to reevaluate what is and choose what you would like it to be. Then take mini steps toward creating that choice in your reality.

According to John Edwards, a psychic medium, 2023 is the year of reevaluating. I was watching a podcast interview that he did recently and that got me thinking. He talks about this year as being a year of accountability when everyone and everything will be questioned and people will be more introspective and philosophical. In short, reevaluating…

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Twisted Thinking Revealed Through Questions

Twisted Thinking Revealed Through Questions

What are the questions you aren’t willing to ask yourself?

What do you know to be true that if you opened yourself just a bit you might find another truth?

What do you believe that if you took another look at it you might realize you’d gotten it backwards?

It took one question and my life changed. Twisted thinking started to unwind.

A friend asked me a simple question...

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Winter Solstice – From Dark to Light

Winter Solstice – From Dark to Light

Tonight is the winter solstice. What this means is that it is the longest night of the year, as well as the beginning of winter. It symbolizes a rebirth and a return to light.

Yes, it’s very dark outside. However, the light is coming. It won’t get darker.

Think of it as the dark meeting the light. The dark being the long night, and the light beginning to shine a bit more with the coming longer days.

So, what does this mean for you?

It’s an opportunity to reimagine yourself.

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Believe to Manifest
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Believe to Manifest

If you could ________, what would you do?

I was reading a book about John of God, a healer in Brazil, and he asked a man in a wheelchair, “If you could walk, what would you do?”  This got me thinking, if I could live without my limitations, what would I do?

And I was shocked to realize that even though I want to do things, I couldn’t answer this question very easily…

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Force vs. Ease
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Force vs. Ease

An older gentleman (whom I know very well) and I were casually talking. By the end of the ten-minute talk, I saw a pattern. Much of what he was saying focused on how proud he is that he works “hard,” uses “force,” and “goes through a brick wall if necessary.” Don’t get me wrong. For him, this works...until it doesn’t.

One’s deeply held beliefs create the reality that a person experiences…

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Halt Blaming and Shaming
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Halt Blaming and Shaming

Have you ever done or said something, changed your mind, and grown into a new perspective?
Have you ever been blamed for something you didn’t do?
Have you ever been verbally attacked because someone else was having a bad day?

Blame and shame is low vibe. Period. And as you know, when you are low vibe things show up as more difficult to do. It takes more effort.

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A Secret to Greatness
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

A Secret to Greatness

Daylight Savings Time. In the Fall it’s great. An extra hour of sleep. In the Spring, it’s not so great. We lose an hour. Is this true?

I don’t know about you, but I knew the time was changing this past weekend. And still I forgot. Then when I woke up late on Sunday morning, I felt great. Had I really slept 10 hours? Wow. That’s a lot. I felt fabulous.

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Manifesting from Peace for Ease
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Manifesting from Peace for Ease

You getting upset doesn’t help the situation move along. In fact, your getting upset lowers your vibration and answers appear further away. Your personal vibration (how you feel on the inside) plus your intention will lead you in the direction you can go. If you have a high vibration, then answers and solutions seem to pop right in…

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Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy



Thanksgiving is over. Was the holiday everything you imagined? We are in the midst of the holiday season. The race is on or so it seems.

Could it be something even better? To help you, I have written a series of articles about High Vibe Holidays and how to get those high vibes. This is the first of four blogs. The first two blogs are long to lay the groundwork. And I promise the others will be shorter.

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Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Life is a great big experiment, and we get to choose the direction of that experiment for each of us by choosing how we would like to feel. Last week, my blog was about following my own advice in the four-step It’s Possible Creation Process. I chose what feelings I’d like to experience. Taking a mile high look at my ideal life, I’d like to have full body tingles that click into place as I soar and move with ease from creation to creation with fun, laughter, and play.

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 Open to New Possibilities

Open to New Possibilities

It’s all possible, until we get stuck in the problem. This is wrong. The other person did.... I can’t believe that.... Everyone is....

When we are wrapped up in what is wrong, we spiral down into more of the problem, and this stops the manifesting cold in its tracks. Have you ever noticed that once these spirals start, it is very difficult to stop it? Complaining attracts complaining. And as you know, what you focus on is what you get. So, if you focus on the problem, you will get more problems to focus on.

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Dare to Be Different

Dare to Be Different

The saying “You can be right, or you can be happy” takes on new meaning when you look through the lens of allowing yourself to be open to something even better. A recent client conveyed that she’d gotten a new job since the last time we spoke. It was her dream job. She went on to say that while the work was similar to her previous job, the new environment was her dream company culture.

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