Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

A Gratitude Thanksgiving
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

A Gratitude Thanksgiving

Did you know that being thankful and grateful can release the hold of depression?

This works because you are shifting your focus to something that does work for you AND you change how you actually feel within your body.  Think of it as a treasure hunt for something even better.

This leads to you feeling better and better.  Thus, the depression lifts.

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Being Grateful Even When...Naples was Hit by a Category 4 Hurricane
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

Being Grateful Even When...Naples was Hit by a Category 4 Hurricane

"Don't worry. It won't be bad," said my husband as he walked into the condo in Naples, Florida. I figured he knew what he was talking about since he's a Floridian. (And as a pilot, he understands weather patterns.) Famous last words.

I’m grateful my husband had fun in true Floridian fashion while staying safe. He took a nap, then played the piano, and drank wine while partying with the guys in the building.

The day after, Bruce was grateful to be alive…

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Thank You…A New Feeling Way to Manifest Something Better
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

Thank You…A New Feeling Way to Manifest Something Better

Are you a slave to your feelings?

Is hopelessness leading to inaction?

It’s time to step up and claim yourself.  You have the power within you.  It’s up to you to create the life you desire. It’s time for a reset within yourself.

Personal Story of How This Played Out

A few years ago, Shoshi, one of my daughters, was feeling down. She had ended a seven-year relationship and moved back home…

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I Spy Manifesting
Gratitude Judith Joy Gratitude Judith Joy

I Spy Manifesting

One of the basic principles of manifesting is “what you focus on is what you get.”  Recently, I had a client challenge me on this in regard to gratitude.  He didn’t believe that if he focused on gratitude the Universe would bring him more to be grateful about.

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Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway...It’s Possible

My team has finally talked me into it. They have been directing me toward a gift for you. We tossed around ideas and finally chose it. I said, “We might as well start big.”

And I have. Here it is. Drum roll coaching.

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