Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Manifesting from Ideals

Manifesting from Ideals

I got an interesting article in the mail today that got me thinking. The article was about why we celebrate July 4th as Independence Day. After all, that wasn’t the day we won the Revolutionary War. It was, however, the day that a group of men set forth the ideals of what was possible.

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Relationship Boost - The Love List

Relationship Boost - The Love List

All too often couples find themselves playing the shame-blame game. He did this. She said that. And so on. All of this is low vibe and slowly tears apart the relationship. And the more this is done, the more high vibe slips away, and the worse people feel. This sets up a cycle of worse feelings feeding more worse feelings.

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Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives

Changing perspectives is an art and something you can learn. Being able to look at something from many different angles gives you a leg up because it actually lowers stress levels. In the end, any problem, looked at from a new perspective or angle very often stops being a problem (or a solution becomes obvious). Learning to shift perspectives can take a bit of practice.

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