Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

2023 Wrapped
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

2023 Wrapped

It’s almost 2023. Are you ready? What will you have done by the end of next year?

I can hear you now. “Wait! We aren’t even done with 2022 and already you want me to think of next December?”

Yes! Now is the time to start dreaming about what will make 2023 a successful year. Don’t worry, you can change your mind. You can make different choices. For now, just start dreaming (and write them down)…

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Reaching for that Better Feeling
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Reaching for that Better Feeling

Sometimes we don’t know why something happenings or doesn’t. We may never know.

When something doesn’t go your way, allow yourself to have the initial reaction. Then move on. The quicker you can get to a space where you can acknowledge that it didn’t show up the way you wanted, the quicker you can allow something really good to come from that.

In short, find something good about what happens.

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Anxiety Buster
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Anxiety Buster

It’s time to bust apart any anxiety you may be feeling during this holiday season (and in truth, all other times). This can seem difficult when those around you are in worry mode. Anxiety is contagious, but you have a choice.

Here is a simple method to help you let go of the anxiety and increase more of the feelings that give you hope, gratitude, and ease.

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Checklist Your Way to Ease
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Checklist Your Way to Ease

You know that feeling you get when you check something off your list?  Check. Done. YES!

What if you could expand your list and feel even better?

A checklist can do so much more than let you know what you “have to” do.  Yes, it includes the three things that you “need” to get done. It can also include some of the things that you know you will do even if they aren’t on the list. The clue is to use a checklist for your benefit.

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The Importance of Rest
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

The Importance of Rest

Do you need a break from life?
Are you tired of doing, doing, and more doing?
Are you feeling run down and still pushing forward?

It may be time for a rest.

Many people keep on running and doing and never actually rest. Even their vacations are action packed. I’ll bet you’ve heard people say, “I have to go home to rest up from my vacation.” The whole idea of taking time out of your daily life is to give your body a chance to rest.

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Notice the Blessings (Even if They are Late)
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Notice the Blessings (Even if They are Late)

What blessings are you missing – even though they are right in front of you?

Recently, my husband opened a card that I’d put on his pillow on our anniversary. Eleven months ago. He’d moved it to the nightstand and then forgot about it. (Obviously, dusting isn’t his job. If it was, it would be a very dirty nightstand.)

He asked if this was an early card. Nope. I’d been waiting for him to open it. Coincidentally, the focus of the card was about communications and laughing at how one of us says one thing and the other hears something else.

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Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way

The reality of high vibe consciousness is to stay high vibe EVEN WHEN others around you are freaking out. This is exactly what I did as soon as I heard of the shooting in my hometown this week.

My first thought was to send loving energy to everyone involved. Victims. Almost victims. The family of the shooter. And even the shooter. I surrounded them with love with the intention of calming their nervous systems.

My second thought was to raise my vibration even higher so that I could be more of an energetic help. I put on soft music and painted.

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Rewrite the Past. Manifest the Future.
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Rewrite the Past. Manifest the Future.

Do you have some memory from your past that is still influencing you?

Does something that happened years and years ago still upset you?

Do you know that you can rewrite your memories?

That’s right. You can rewrite your memories. Just because something bothered you 10, 20 or 30 years ago doesn’t mean you have to still be bothered by it. What you focus on is up to you. This means that you can change your focus.

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Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives

Changing perspectives is an art and something you can learn. Being able to look at something from many different angles gives you a leg up because it actually lowers stress levels. In the end, any problem, looked at from a new perspective or angle very often stops being a problem (or a solution becomes obvious). Learning to shift perspectives can take a bit of practice.

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