Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Journaling to Raise Your Vibe
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Journaling to Raise Your Vibe

Journaling can be used in a number of different ways. In the end, it’s about claiming your power by processing your thoughts and feelings, creating your future, or recording your triumphs.

This is especially true when you focus on what it is you do desire (instead of what you are complaining about). After all, what you focus on is what you get. That’s right. When you place your attention on something, you are giving it power to come alive…

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Deep Dive Week
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Deep Dive Week

It’s deep dive week!  Woo Hoo!  What a great way to spend my birthday week.

What is a deep dive?  This is when I get together with two other people (this time, my daughter and best friend), and we transform something in our lives – all week long.  Fun activities are interspersed as we give our bodies and the energy time to process and integrate.

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Raise Your Vibe – Fill Your Love Cup Before
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Raise Your Vibe – Fill Your Love Cup Before

A recently divorced woman and I were talking about her desire to find her next husband. I could feel that she was still sad and explained that if she attracted her husband now, she would attract someone who resonated with sad. Instead, I suggested she fill herself with love so that she can raise her vibe and attract someone with a much higher vibe.

She thought she loved herself already. She looked at me as if I was crazy.

The imagery of a cup popped into my mind. She was filling her love cup partway and then giving it away. Thus, she was depleting the love before she could benefit from it.

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Anti-Aging Shortcut
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Anti-Aging Shortcut

“People buy the shortcut to the life they want.”

This was one of the first things I heard at HEALinc Future Health Innovation Summit, an anti-aging conference in Nassau, Bahamas. My mind immediately decided to take the shortcut. Here I was at a conference with my husband and lots of other medical professionals, all who are interested in anti-aging from the inside out.

Anti-aging is more than looking good. It’s about reversing the internal effects of aging. Think of it as bringing youth to your internal organs.

So how did I take a shortcut?

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Increase Your Intuition
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Increase Your Intuition

Intuition is a funny thing. We think we are doing something for one reason and then the real reason is revealed later on. “Oh, that’s what this is really about!” And often, intuition will guide us – if we listen to it.

Intuition is a valuable tool that is available to everyone. It’s up to us to sharpen our own tool. The information is there. We just have to become aware of it.

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Get "It" Done!
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Get "It" Done!

You’ve never had reluctance to do something or dragged your feet before finally getting “it” done. Right? Be truthful.

Everyone occasionally (or more often) finds themselves having to do something that they don’t really want to do. Whether it’s writing a thank you note or looking for a new job, there can be some resistance to doing “it” that causes us to procrastinate. The clue to getting “it” done is to reframe your thoughts and feelings...and then do it.

The following are ten ways to do this…

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Excitement and Peace Manifest from Within
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Excitement and Peace Manifest from Within

During a lunch while in the Bahamas, my husband and I were eating at a beachside restaurant. Someone was smoking out of sight, but the wind shared it with us.  Energetically, I put out the cigarette and at the very least asked that I not be bothered by the smoke.  Clear intention.  Then I dropped into the space of peace and knew that it was done.

We started to sip our iced teas and noticed that people on the beach were agitated.  One man came running into the restaurant and people were turning to look.  Smoke.  We didn’t smell it, but we could see it coming from about 50 yards away.

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Manifest with Your Words
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Manifest with Your Words

“I wonder what hardships will happen today.”  When I heard this, I knew the source of the woman’s tough times.  Her own words.  She was literally casting a spell on her life experiences.

Are you doing the same? 

Are you saying what you fear instead of what you truly desire?

Are you casting a spell that influences your life?

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Sugar Season
Choice Judith Joy Choice Judith Joy

Sugar Season

Do you have a goal of how you really want to feel this holiday season?

It’s sugar season…the time of the year when sugar is all around us and people eat more than they normally would. Sugar season is Halloween to New Year’s. Think about trick-or-treating, baking, holiday parties, the beginning of winter (hot chocolate), extra treats at work, family get-togethers, and more.

You may ask, “What’s the big deal?” Many people can handle eating sugar in small amounts. But the small amounts aren’t what they used to be. Historically, humans didn’t eat sugar until about 2,000 years ago when they discovered sugar cane. Since then humans have been eating more and more sugar…

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What Do You Believe?
Law of Attraction Judith Joy Law of Attraction Judith Joy

What Do You Believe?

I have a pillow that I see every day. It quietly sits on the bench in the hallway. “She believed she could, so she did.” It’s a silent reminder that what I believe becomes reality.

That got me thinking. There are two ways to approach this. Only focus on what you do believe will happen or dig deep to see where you’re tripping yourself up with beliefs that no longer work for you. The trick is to balance the two approaches. For if you only look for what doesn’t work, then you will get more of what doesn’t work.

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Forgiveness is a Choice
Choice Judith Joy Choice Judith Joy

Forgiveness is a Choice

Don't forgive others. Don't forgive yourself. Hold onto all those horrible feelings as you relive them over and over in your head. Talk about what is going wrong. Blame others for everything. And continue to feel worse and worse.

Or forgive yourself and everyone and everything around you and start feeling great.

It's your choice.

You are the only one experiencing your life. What do you choose to feel? Do you want to hold onto the anger, hurt, and bitterness? Or do you want to hold onto the yummy feelings of love, kindness, and joy? What experiences do you choose to have?

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Clean Out the Sh*t in Your Internal Basement with High Vibe
Choice, FEEL Judith Joy Choice, FEEL Judith Joy

Clean Out the Sh*t in Your Internal Basement with High Vibe

What do you do when life works out differently than you hoped?

Does it feel like once something goes wrong, everything goes wrong?

Do you get caught up in complaining, or do you step back and look for the good?

What you feel is what you attract. The Universe gives you experiences that match your feelings because it thinks that’s what you want.

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Paying it Forward from High Vibe
Act with Purpose Judith Joy Act with Purpose Judith Joy

Paying it Forward from High Vibe

What do you do when you “have” to do something? Turn it high vibe and then it becomes fun.

Paying it forward is a family value that my family has embraced whole heartedly. It began with my grandparents modeling it, then my parents continued on, with me and my husband following in their footsteps, then my kids and their spouses, and now, the grandkids are involved. Paying it forward can feel like something that you “have” to do or something that you “get” to do.

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Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy



Thanksgiving is over. Was the holiday everything you imagined? We are in the midst of the holiday season. The race is on or so it seems.

Could it be something even better? To help you, I have written a series of articles about High Vibe Holidays and how to get those high vibes. This is the first of four blogs. The first two blogs are long to lay the groundwork. And I promise the others will be shorter.

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The Season of Self-Transformation
Transformation Judith Joy Transformation Judith Joy

The Season of Self-Transformation

Metamorphosis. To transform. As we approach Thanksgiving, we are reminded that it is a wonderful time of year to transform. From stress to gratitude. From loneliness to family, friends, and community. From what isn’t working for you to what is. From feeling alone to feeling a part of something bigger than yourself.

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Uncovering the Beginning

Uncovering the Beginning

A seed buried and forgotten often grows and multiples. Our past experiences and feelings are the same. Something happens, we brush it off, and then forget about it. However, it continues to grow. If we have a chance to dig up the seeds, then they won’t continue to expand.

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Changing Perspectives

Changing Perspectives

Changing perspectives is an art and something you can learn. Being able to look at something from many different angles gives you a leg up because it actually lowers stress levels. In the end, any problem, looked at from a new perspective or angle very often stops being a problem (or a solution becomes obvious). Learning to shift perspectives can take a bit of practice.

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Act As If…
Act with Purpose, Choice Judith Joy Act with Purpose, Choice Judith Joy

Act As If…

We do things for the feelings they will give us. I’m sure that you or someone you know has walked into a closet full of clothes and whined that there was nothing to wear. I know that I’ve done this. But is that true? No. You (or the person) were looking for a specific feeling and was hoping that the clothing would provide it. If you knew what the feeling was before even walking into the closet, then you would find something to wear much faster.

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Trusting Your Energy
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Trusting Your Energy

It’s working!!! When I first started learning energy transformation, I was going along with an experimental attitude, not sure if I believed in it or not and the results were spotty. As my high vibe energy has gotten stronger and stronger, and I believed in it more and more, things began to pop up out of the blue.

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