The Season of Self-Transformation

Metamorphosis. To transform. As we approach Thanksgiving, we are reminded that it is a wonderful time of year to transform.  From stress to gratitude.  From loneliness to family, friends, and community.  From what isn’t working for you to what is.  From feeling alone to feeling a part of something bigger than yourself.

The holiday season starts with gratitude (Thanksgiving) marches into unity, creativity, and faith (Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa) and then explodes with fireworks into what is possible (New Year’s).

In short, this season is about a rededication to yourself. This is your opportunity to change, to transform yourself and your life into how you want to feel and be.  It’s the time of year that you review what is working and what isn’t.  Follow the three steps of metamorphosis to have more of what is working for you.

3 Steps of Metamorphosis

Step 1:  Choose how you would like to feel.  If you had your ideal ________ (life, season, opportunity, etc.) what would that feel like? Imagine you already had it. Take the time to play with what is possible.  The feelings that light you up on the inside are the ones that your inner guidance or intuition is nudging you toward this reality. 

Step 2:  Once you have the feeling, think of it in terms of a body sensation.  It’s more than a word.  It’s an actual body sensation.  How does your body know that you are feeling the feeling? What sensations do you experience in your body when you are feeling the feeling?

Step 3: Step into the change.  Give thanks for already having it.  Have faith that it will show up (and in truth, it already does in many different ways, just maybe not in ways you expected).  Follow the nudges from your intuition to experience the feeling more and more.  And celebrate every time that it does happen!

Navigating the Change

Sometimes the change is smooth and seamless. Take time to notice the change – even if it’s very small or subtle.  Then celebrate!

Other times, you may notice that things can be wonky.  Be assured that this is part of the process. It’s just the body and the Universe realigning from one way of being to another.  Trust that in the end, things will be even better than you ever imagined. (Celebrate here also!)

My Metamorphosis

As I wrote about a few weeks ago, I’m going through a metamorphosis.  I took a look at my ideal life and chose the feeling of:

Full body tingles
clicking into place
as I soar and
move with ease
from creation to creation
with fun, laughter, & play.

The process, while simple, has had some unexpected hiccups.  One of those is the new website.  You may notice that things are different. 

For one, I switched the website name from to  While ultimately, both will be operational and end up in the same place, I found that it is easier for people to remember my name than the name of the company. 

Another change is the website process.  I’m moving to a new way of doing it.  The old way had me asking person 1 to make a change.  She then went to person 2 who went to person 3 to get the change done.  The process was time consuming, and changes were difficult to accomplish if I wasn’t crystal clear (which I’m often not since I work with the energy and not a detailed list).  Sure, there were advantages.  But I was frustrated with the process. 

So, I’m trying something new.  I’m moving from Word Press (where I needed more help) to Squarespace.  Changes should be faster and easier.  However, it’s a learning curve.  And you may have noticed that during the change, the website is down.  With luck, by the time you are reading this, the website is up.  If not, it will be.

And when it does pop up, it will be simple and have a new look.  I’m truly grateful for the vibrant colors, for the website’s new energy, and for the people who are helping me. I have faith that it will be even better than I ever imagined.  And I’m already celebrating each and every change.  I’m so excited to share them with you – just as soon as you are able to see them.

I look forward to all that this metamorphosis will bring.  And I know that as you navigate your own transformation, you will reach out if there is any way that I can help you.  (After all, helping you gives me that full body tingle.)  I look forward to hearing from you as you go through this rededication to yourself.

Enjoy this holiday season. And thank you for being a part of my ideal life.




Clarity in Asking