Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

From Worst to Best
Energy Shifts Judith Joy Energy Shifts Judith Joy

From Worst to Best

Stabbed in the back straight through the heart. Betrayed. Lied to. This is how a client recently felt. It was a situation (which will go unnamed) that could have been one of the worst things that ever happened to him. And now, it may be the best.

He was finally backed against a wall and the situation was “bad enough” that he was truly willing to do the inner consciousness clearing. In the past, he’d dabbled in it. He’d clear his thoughts and feelings if something popped up, and he had minor success. Now he was committed and did it every day.

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Let Go of Complaining
Energy Shifts Judith Joy Energy Shifts Judith Joy

Let Go of Complaining

The first step to changing the past is to stop complaining about it. In fact, stop complaining, judging, moaning, and groaning all together. What you focus on is what you get. So, if you are focused on “let me tell you all the bad things that have been going on” the Universe is hearing that you want more bad things – and will give it to you.

Instead look for the gold. Look for what is working in your life. Look for what is right about what you formerly complained about.

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Energy Meditation for Peace
Energy Shifts Judith Joy Energy Shifts Judith Joy

Energy Meditation for Peace

When things aren’t going the way you would like, it’s time to step into the peace. Any time you have an agitation, this is your body telling you that you are out of alignment with peace. And since peace is where you are most powerful, it would benefit you to return there to “solve” your agitation.

This includes when things are going on in the world that you would like to be different. You can do something…

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Uncovering the Beginning

Uncovering the Beginning

A seed buried and forgotten often grows and multiples. Our past experiences and feelings are the same. Something happens, we brush it off, and then forget about it. However, it continues to grow. If we have a chance to dig up the seeds, then they won’t continue to expand.

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Sunshine Hugs (2 of 2)
Energy Shifts Judith Joy Energy Shifts Judith Joy

Sunshine Hugs (2 of 2)

When life isn’t going so well, what is one of those things that a mom does to make it “all better?” Hugs. If a child falls down, a mom gives hugs and kisses alongside the band aids. She offers words of encouragement, jokes or a new perspective to help the child move through the pain. I realize not all moms do this, but mine did.

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