Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

 Open to New Possibilities

Open to New Possibilities

It’s all possible, until we get stuck in the problem. This is wrong. The other person did.... I can’t believe that.... Everyone is....

When we are wrapped up in what is wrong, we spiral down into more of the problem, and this stops the manifesting cold in its tracks. Have you ever noticed that once these spirals start, it is very difficult to stop it? Complaining attracts complaining. And as you know, what you focus on is what you get. So, if you focus on the problem, you will get more problems to focus on.

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An Insight Ah-ha Moment
Self Empowerment Judith Joy Self Empowerment Judith Joy

An Insight Ah-ha Moment

As often happens, I get an ah-ha moment before or while talking with a client.  Yesterday, I discovered a thought pattern that leads to many of my headaches.  I was excited for me and for the new client that would benefit from this insight.  Here it is...

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