Manifestation Begins with Choosing

What is the difference between wishing and choosing?

We grew up with the rhyme of wishing upon a star and the stories of three magic wishes. So many people think that wishes are the way to our dreams fulfilled. But what if that’s not exactly it?

Wishes are hopes, desires, and wants. There is nothing wrong with wishing. The trouble comes in when the energy of wishing is the same as whining about not having.

Think about wishing upon a star. Many children think that if you wish upon a star, then their wishes will come true. It’s a great game but doesn’t actually work.

Now think about the genie in Aladdin giving three wishes. People think that if you make a wish, then the Universe will make it happen. Not so much. So, what does work? Choosing. That’s right if you stop wishing and choose then you have the power to create. Wishing is similar to trying. You’re putting the desire out there, but don’t really think that you’ll get around to it.

Whereas choosing is the high vibe equivalent that allows you to take action so that you can be it.

Even in the Bible, God chose. He thought (chose), “Let there be light.” Then light was created. He wasn’t wishy-washy and filled with want for the light. He chose it. And you too can choose.

Once you make the choice, feel what the choice feels like in your body. From there, just keep being that body sensation. And pretty soon, you will be on your way to creating your choice. A thought or opportunity will pop in, and you are ready to take advantage of it. At each stage, it’s up to you to choose.

Personal Vibration Technique: Choosing

  • Choose it

  • Feel it

  • Be it

The next time you want something to be different, switch the wishing to choosing and watch as you claim your power, and you are led to your desire fulfilled. You are in power seat when you choose.


Uncovering the Beginning


Manifesting from Ideals