Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Do You Ever Wish You Had a Magic Genie?
Create Dreams Judith Joy Create Dreams Judith Joy

Do You Ever Wish You Had a Magic Genie?

You have a magic genie available to help you complete your projects. This genie, also known as your inner employee, will “do” the work and bring ease into the process.

It’s as simple as knowing what you truly desire, giving you inner employee clear directions, stepping out of the way, and taking action when you are guided to do so all the while being kind and grateful.

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Sugar Season
FEEL Judith Joy FEEL Judith Joy

Sugar Season

It’s sugar season…the time of the year when sugar is all around us and people eat more than they normally would. Sugar season is Halloween to New Year’s. Think about trick-or-treating, baking, holiday parties, the beginning of winter (hot chocolate), extra treats at work, family get-togethers and more.

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Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Life is a great big experiment, and we get to choose the direction of that experiment for each of us by choosing how we would like to feel. Last week, my blog was about following my own advice in the four-step It’s Possible Creation Process. I chose what feelings I’d like to experience. Taking a mile high look at my ideal life, I’d like to have full body tingles that click into place as I soar and move with ease from creation to creation with fun, laughter, and play.

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Know the Dream
Judith Joy Judith Joy

Know the Dream

Is your whole life stuck as if you are wading through melted caramel? Are one or two areas of your life less than you imagine they could be? There is something you can do about it.

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Uncovering the Beginning

Uncovering the Beginning

A seed buried and forgotten often grows and multiples. Our past experiences and feelings are the same. Something happens, we brush it off, and then forget about it. However, it continues to grow. If we have a chance to dig up the seeds, then they won’t continue to expand.

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Relationship Boost - The Love List

Relationship Boost - The Love List

All too often couples find themselves playing the shame-blame game. He did this. She said that. And so on. All of this is low vibe and slowly tears apart the relationship. And the more this is done, the more high vibe slips away, and the worse people feel. This sets up a cycle of worse feelings feeding more worse feelings.

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 Open to New Possibilities

Open to New Possibilities

It’s all possible, until we get stuck in the problem. This is wrong. The other person did.... I can’t believe that.... Everyone is....

When we are wrapped up in what is wrong, we spiral down into more of the problem, and this stops the manifesting cold in its tracks. Have you ever noticed that once these spirals start, it is very difficult to stop it? Complaining attracts complaining. And as you know, what you focus on is what you get. So, if you focus on the problem, you will get more problems to focus on.

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Manifestation: It’s All About the Feeling!
Choice, FEEL, FOCUS Judith Joy Choice, FEEL, FOCUS Judith Joy

Manifestation: It’s All About the Feeling!

How would you like to peek into the future? It’s possible. Just look at what you are feeling now. If you don’t change anything, those feelings will play out over and over as you create your future. It’s not really about the exact things that you do, as it’s more about the feelings you have while you are doing those things.

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Act As If…
Act with Purpose, Choice Judith Joy Act with Purpose, Choice Judith Joy

Act As If…

We do things for the feelings they will give us. I’m sure that you or someone you know has walked into a closet full of clothes and whined that there was nothing to wear. I know that I’ve done this. But is that true? No. You (or the person) were looking for a specific feeling and was hoping that the clothing would provide it. If you knew what the feeling was before even walking into the closet, then you would find something to wear much faster.

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Trusting Your Energy
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Trusting Your Energy

It’s working!!! When I first started learning energy transformation, I was going along with an experimental attitude, not sure if I believed in it or not and the results were spotty. As my high vibe energy has gotten stronger and stronger, and I believed in it more and more, things began to pop up out of the blue.

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Reading Your Way to Anxiety
awareness Judith Joy awareness Judith Joy

Reading Your Way to Anxiety

I love reading. When I consider buying a fiction book, I typically read the first page. If it pulls me in, there is a good chance I’ll keep reading. However, if it’s written in the first-person point of view, I will put it back on the shelf.

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Teachable Moments
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Teachable Moments

Zoom is great for staying in touch with my grandkids. On a recent Zoom call with my 8-year-old granddaughter (Miss M), as we talked, the noise level kept rising. Her dad was on a phone call in the next room. Her brother was in the same room as Miss M and making noise. Her mother was down the hall, and we still heard her.

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Illuminating Your Values
Choice Judith Joy Choice Judith Joy

Illuminating Your Values

Your values are valuable. Values are those ideals that ourselves to be in order to live our lives. Who and what do you choose to be at the core of your being?

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What Feeling Works for You
FEEL Judith Joy FEEL Judith Joy

What Feeling Works for You

During a recent client session, the client was lamenting how challenging it is to figure out all the details for her new company. She is still in the dreaming stage, and it seems as if she is hitting the wall and things are much more difficult than they need to be. I asked her to back it up a bit.

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Observe and Be
FOCUS Judith Joy FOCUS Judith Joy

Observe and Be

What do you do when you don’t do? I’ve heard that it’s not about doing. It’s about being.  And I thought I’d been doing that. Or rather, being that.

This past week, I understood it on a deeper level. It’s about observing.

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