Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Matching Your Intentions with Peace
FEEL Judith Joy FEEL Judith Joy

Matching Your Intentions with Peace

This past week could be looked at as if it went through a blender. There are some major uncertainty and changes happening. Life happens. Things change. And still, I’m calm and at peace…

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Peace in the Midst of Turmoil
FEEL Judith Joy FEEL Judith Joy

Peace in the Midst of Turmoil

What to do when things don’t go according to plan?

We are all faced with challenges and turmoil.  Life doesn’t always go smoothly.  People respond  differently to these challenges, and it is how you respond that can greatly impact your outcome. You can be swept away in the current of turmoil, or you can choose something different. 

The higher your personal vibe is, the better you feel, and the easier it will be to navigate the tough times.  Things will feel less overwhelming when you are operating and living in high vibe.

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Bravery – Moving Through Uncomfortableness
Act with Purpose Judith Joy Act with Purpose Judith Joy

Bravery – Moving Through Uncomfortableness

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.” – George Bernard Shaw

We all face uncomfortable situations at some point in our lives. This is when things feel impossible. Sometimes, they scare us, and we have to do it anyway.

Think about confronting a problem or having to tell someone something they won’t like, making a phone call to someone new, or learning something new, such as driving a car for the first time. Your heart races. Your body starts to sweat. It’s difficult to swallow. Possibly, you even want to run away and not face whatever it is…

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Believe to Manifest
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Believe to Manifest

If you could ________, what would you do?

I was reading a book about John of God, a healer in Brazil, and he asked a man in a wheelchair, “If you could walk, what would you do?”  This got me thinking, if I could live without my limitations, what would I do?

And I was shocked to realize that even though I want to do things, I couldn’t answer this question very easily…

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Sugar Season
Choice Judith Joy Choice Judith Joy

Sugar Season

Do you have a goal of how you really want to feel this holiday season?

It’s sugar season…the time of the year when sugar is all around us and people eat more than they normally would. Sugar season is Halloween to New Year’s. Think about trick-or-treating, baking, holiday parties, the beginning of winter (hot chocolate), extra treats at work, family get-togethers, and more.

You may ask, “What’s the big deal?” Many people can handle eating sugar in small amounts. But the small amounts aren’t what they used to be. Historically, humans didn’t eat sugar until about 2,000 years ago when they discovered sugar cane. Since then humans have been eating more and more sugar…

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Paying it Forward from High Vibe
Act with Purpose Judith Joy Act with Purpose Judith Joy

Paying it Forward from High Vibe

What do you do when you “have” to do something? Turn it high vibe and then it becomes fun.

Paying it forward is a family value that my family has embraced whole heartedly. It began with my grandparents modeling it, then my parents continued on, with me and my husband following in their footsteps, then my kids and their spouses, and now, the grandkids are involved. Paying it forward can feel like something that you “have” to do or something that you “get” to do.

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Uncovering the Beginning

Uncovering the Beginning

A seed buried and forgotten often grows and multiples. Our past experiences and feelings are the same. Something happens, we brush it off, and then forget about it. However, it continues to grow. If we have a chance to dig up the seeds, then they won’t continue to expand.

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 Open to New Possibilities

Open to New Possibilities

It’s all possible, until we get stuck in the problem. This is wrong. The other person did.... I can’t believe that.... Everyone is....

When we are wrapped up in what is wrong, we spiral down into more of the problem, and this stops the manifesting cold in its tracks. Have you ever noticed that once these spirals start, it is very difficult to stop it? Complaining attracts complaining. And as you know, what you focus on is what you get. So, if you focus on the problem, you will get more problems to focus on.

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Manifesting Sight
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Manifesting Sight

When my kids were younger, Shoshanna was a handful to say the least.  There was always a lot of drama around her, she was very loud about it and my focus was on settling her down.  Admittedly, I didn't give the others all the attention that they could have used.

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An Insight Ah-ha Moment
Self Empowerment Judith Joy Self Empowerment Judith Joy

An Insight Ah-ha Moment

As often happens, I get an ah-ha moment before or while talking with a client.  Yesterday, I discovered a thought pattern that leads to many of my headaches.  I was excited for me and for the new client that would benefit from this insight.  Here it is...

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