Believe to Manifest

If you could ________, what would you do?

I was reading a book about John of God, a healer in Brazil, and he asked a man in a wheelchair, “If you could walk, what would you do?”  This got me thinking, if I could live without my limitations, what would I do?

And I was shocked to realize that even though I want to do things, I couldn’t answer this question very easily.  You see, I have had headaches for so long that I can’t imagine not having them.  This is probably contributing to them because I don’t believe it’s possible, on some level, to feel great. While I’ve learned to be peaceful, the headaches persist.

You see, an important step in manifestation is believing.  If you don’t believe that you can have “it,” whatever “it” is, then there is a little part inside of you that believes you cannot have it. Thus, if you aren’t totally, 100% aligned with your desire, then it’s just out of reach.

Get aligned and then get ready as the Universe whispers to you (through your intuition) what actions you can take to prepare yourself to receive your desire.

To get aligned, you can go the route of digging deep into your limiting beliefs and releasing them.  When you find the rules or beliefs that no longer work for you, simply say something like “cancel, clear, delete” or “release and let it go forever.” Then watch as you feel lighter and lighter.  You may have to repeat this over and over.  You are telling your body, “This doesn’t work for me anymore.”

You can even create new rules that you choose to live by.  Just because others believe something is true, doesn’t make it true.  This is your chance to create the rules for your game of life.

It’s also possible to look at what your true desire is, choose how you will feel when you have that desire, and then start acting as if you already feel that way. With this, you are telling your body, “I’ll have more of this please.”

Or you can do some combination. What you are actually doing is reaching inside of you for the feelings that free you up to truly believe and letting go of the ones that weigh you down.

Your body doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what isn’t.  Your body thinks that whatever you are feeling is real.  The Universe is your manifestation partner and “hears” what you are feeling.

So, start feeling what it is you would like to feel.  Now!

If my head was clear and I felt good, what would I do?  Smile.  A lot.  And maybe dance more. And laugh often. And get excited about more things.  And... The list goes on. 

Think about it.  That’s a whole lot better than holding my breath and waiting for the next headache. It’s time to put on some music and have a dance party.

If you could ______________, what would YOU do?  The choice is yours.

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