Manifestation blog
I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!
Bragging Moment
If you know what your dream is, it’s a whole lot easier to get there. You know which direction to go.
Teachable Moments
Zoom is great for staying in touch with my grandkids. On a recent Zoom call with my 8-year-old granddaughter (Miss M), as we talked, the noise level kept rising. Her dad was on a phone call in the next room. Her brother was in the same room as Miss M and making noise. Her mother was down the hall, and we still heard her.
Law of Attraction at Work
Recently, I wrote a blog about how people are blinded by distractions. My focus was on distractions. And that is what played out in my life on a much smaller scale. It’s the beauty of the Law of Attraction at work. Let me explain.
Manifesting Sight
When my kids were younger, Shoshanna was a handful to say the least. There was always a lot of drama around her, she was very loud about it and my focus was on settling her down. Admittedly, I didn't give the others all the attention that they could have used.
Illuminating Your Values
Your values are valuable. Values are those ideals that ourselves to be in order to live our lives. Who and what do you choose to be at the core of your being?
What Feeling Works for You
During a recent client session, the client was lamenting how challenging it is to figure out all the details for her new company. She is still in the dreaming stage, and it seems as if she is hitting the wall and things are much more difficult than they need to be. I asked her to back it up a bit.
Observe and Be
What do you do when you don’t do? I’ve heard that it’s not about doing. It’s about being. And I thought I’d been doing that. Or rather, being that.
This past week, I understood it on a deeper level. It’s about observing.
Five Ways to Be Kind to Yourself
I am soooo incredibly grateful for the massive headaches that I had recently. Of course, while I had them and couldn’t see or think straight, I wasn’t so grateful. However, afterwards when I realized what they were about, the gratitude overflowed.
Five Steps to Get Your Inner Employee Working for You
You have a magic genie available to help you complete your projects. This genie, also known as your inner employee, will “do” the work and bring ease into the process.
Get “It” Done!
You’ve never had reluctance to do something or dragged your feet before finally getting “it” done. Right? Be truthful.
An Insight Ah-ha Moment
As often happens, I get an ah-ha moment before or while talking with a client. Yesterday, I discovered a thought pattern that leads to many of my headaches. I was excited for me and for the new client that would benefit from this insight. Here it is...
Thinking Soft
It’s never too soon to learn how to manifest your desires. Recently, my grandkids were visiting Poppy and me (Grammy). The kids at eight and five were in the pool with me. They were talking about when Poppy wakes up.
Relationship Wheel
Sometimes we don’t know the true reason we are led to do something. Recently, I’ve been looking at new cars. There are many cars that are great, and at the same time, I haven’t found “the one.”
Gratitude: Focus On the Blessings
It’s so exciting when I’m reading a fiction book and the author has the characters use a technique to raise the vibe. Of course, the author doesn’t label it as such. Even so, when it’s clearly laid out for the reader to do also, I know that the author is tapped into “creating a life that works for you.”
Celebrate You
It’s time to celebrate you and your uniqueness. No two people are exactly alike. No two people have exactly the same talents. Rejoice in you being you. We are here on earth to have experiences through the lenses of our own uniqueness.
Awareness of Judgment
Have you ever felt triggered by someone else’s judgments? Have people been pushing your buttons lately? Are you ready to let all of this go and live your best life?
Elixir of Power and Potency
Super charge your drinks. That’s right. You have the ability to super charge your drinks with power and potency. Before I tell you how to do this, let’s look at what you are super charging them with.
Journaling to Raise Your Vibe
Journaling can be used in a number of different ways. In the end, it’s about claiming your power by processing your thoughts and feelings, creating your future, or recording your triumphs.
Sunshine Hugs (2 of 2)
When life isn’t going so well, what is one of those things that a mom does to make it “all better?” Hugs. If a child falls down, a mom gives hugs and kisses alongside the band aids. She offers words of encouragement, jokes or a new perspective to help the child move through the pain. I realize not all moms do this, but mine did.
Sunshine Hugs (1 of 2)
Hugs. Do you remember them? They are something we used to do before Covid. Putting our arms around another human being. Invading another’s six foot personal space bubble. Connecting on a deeper level.