Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

A Secret to Greatness
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

A Secret to Greatness

Daylight Savings Time. In the Fall it’s great. An extra hour of sleep. In the Spring, it’s not so great. We lose an hour. Is this true?

I don’t know about you, but I knew the time was changing this past weekend. And still I forgot. Then when I woke up late on Sunday morning, I felt great. Had I really slept 10 hours? Wow. That’s a lot. I felt fabulous.

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Manifesting from Peace for Ease
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Manifesting from Peace for Ease

You getting upset doesn’t help the situation move along. In fact, your getting upset lowers your vibration and answers appear further away. Your personal vibration (how you feel on the inside) plus your intention will lead you in the direction you can go. If you have a high vibration, then answers and solutions seem to pop right in…

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Relationship Boost - The Love List

Relationship Boost - The Love List

All too often couples find themselves playing the shame-blame game. He did this. She said that. And so on. All of this is low vibe and slowly tears apart the relationship. And the more this is done, the more high vibe slips away, and the worse people feel. This sets up a cycle of worse feelings feeding more worse feelings.

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Manifestation: It’s All About the Feeling!
Choice, FEEL, FOCUS Judith Joy Choice, FEEL, FOCUS Judith Joy

Manifestation: It’s All About the Feeling!

How would you like to peek into the future? It’s possible. Just look at what you are feeling now. If you don’t change anything, those feelings will play out over and over as you create your future. It’s not really about the exact things that you do, as it’s more about the feelings you have while you are doing those things.

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What You Believe Matters
Food Judith Joy Food Judith Joy

What You Believe Matters

I have a pillow that I see every day. It quietly sits on the bench in the hallway. “She believed she could, so she did.” It’s a silent reminder that what I believe becomes reality.

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