Judith Joy

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Manifestation: It’s All About the Feeling!

How would you like to peek into the future?  It’s possible.  Just look at what you are feeling now.  If you don’t change anything, those feelings will play out over and over as you create your future.  It’s not really about the exact things that you do, as it’s more about the feelings you have while you are doing those things.

For example, if you are frustrated and you focus on the frustration, then you will see more and more ways you are frustrated.  I know this from this week.  Two of the grandkids are visiting and Mr. J. (the 6-year-old) doesn’t “remember” to use his fork.  He was having fun frustrating me.  And it wasn’t fun for me.

So, I changed my focus and started feeling like a cheerleader (not sure how to describe the feeling other than rah-rah).  I started praising his sister for using her fork.  I went overboard with the praise, and pretty soon, Mr. J was using his fork.  It’s all about remembering the feeling I would like to experience.  Reality tends to line up with the feeling I’m focusing on.

If you would like to have a different future, take time to dream of what it is you would desire.  Decide on what that will feel like.  And then start living that feeling.  Your future will immediately shift as long as you keep your focus on the feeling you desire.

The world is tumultuous right now.  What are you focusing on?  What feelings are you feeding?  No matter what is happening on the outside, when you focus on the feelings you expect and believe will happen, then those feelings will have a chance to grow.  And oh by the way, your reality will begin to line up with those feelings.

Yes, things happen that we don’t plan on.  However, when we focus on the feelings, there are many ways for those feelings to show up.  Thus, even if something “bad” is happening in the general reality, you can still choose to be happy.  It’s an internal setting.  From there, the Universe will present you with ideas and intuitive “hits” to follow.  When you take the time to feel the feelings and acknowledge that they are either contracting like a gut punch (skip those) or expanding and giving you a sense of YES! (do these) then you will be allowing the Universe to lead you to the fulfillment of those feelings.

I heard a story once about a young man who was infatuated with a woman.  Let’s call them John and Mary.  John thought that what he wanted was to marry this beautiful woman and put all his yearning there.  It didn’t happen and he was feeling needy and constantly rejected.  Luckily, the Universe was protecting him by giving him more and more experiences that matched the feelings of yearning, neediness and rejection.

At the 10-year reunion, they met up again.  Mary had become an alcoholic and had physically let herself go.

If he had focused on having a fulfilling, expansive life oozing with love and happiness, he could have had a different life experience.  Someone else could have shown up in his life to match those feelings that he was focusing on.  And other things would have also matched those feelings.  It all starts with the feelings we choose to feel.  (And feelings are a choice.)

Now, take a peek into your future again focusing on the feelings you would like to start experiencing.  Now is the time to start feeling them.  Keep your focus on the feelings you desire and the opportunities that match the feelings will be presented to you.  Your future can’t help but match those feelings. It’s up to you if you choose to take advantage of them.