Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

From Flop to Success – The day no one signed up
Choice, Feel Your Potential Judith Joy Choice, Feel Your Potential Judith Joy

From Flop to Success – The day no one signed up

It was fascinating. I had the Receiving Retreat on Saturday. And it wasn’t anything like I’d imagined it would be when I initially planned it.

You see, no one signed up. Even though the energy said to do it. Even though the astrologer said to do it. Even though.... You get the picture. Apparently, I forgot to factor in the end of year school schedules.

I teach to not let other’s reality become your reality by being high vibe…

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There is No Fail, Only Try
Choice, Feel Your Potential Judith Joy Choice, Feel Your Potential Judith Joy

There is No Fail, Only Try

Failure comes in two flavors – low vibe and high vibe. It doesn’t matter if you personally are high vibe or low vibe, as both have failure. However, the difference is your perspective of what you are experiencing.

When you are low vibe and feel chaotic, apathetic, depressed, guilty, judged, shamed, and blamed, you probably look at failure as something bad. One negative after another. You may even make up a rule that you are a failure and never get it right. Afterall, it didn’t work all of the times you did try. So that means you aren’t perfect and you’ll always be wrong, so you might as well give up. You stop trying. Failure becomes something to avoid.

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     There is No Fail,    Only Try
Choice, Feel Your Potential Judith Joy Choice, Feel Your Potential Judith Joy

There is No Fail, Only Try

Failure comes in two flavors – low vibe and high vibe. It doesn’t matter if you personally are high vibe or low vibe, as both have failure. However, the difference is your perspective of what you are experiencing.

When you are low vibe and feel chaotic, apathetic, depressed, guilty, judged, shamed, and blamed, you probably look at failure as something bad. One negative after another. You may even make up a rule that you are a failure and never get it right. Afterall, it didn’t work all of the times you did try. So that means you aren’t perfect and you’ll always be wrong, so you might as well give up. You stop trying. Failure becomes something to avoid.

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Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway…It’s Possible!

Crazy Giveaway...It’s Possible

My team has finally talked me into it. They have been directing me toward a gift for you. We tossed around ideas and finally chose it. I said, “We might as well start big.”

And I have. Here it is. Drum roll coaching.

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Manifestation: It’s All About the Feeling!
Choice, FEEL, FOCUS Judith Joy Choice, FEEL, FOCUS Judith Joy

Manifestation: It’s All About the Feeling!

How would you like to peek into the future? It’s possible. Just look at what you are feeling now. If you don’t change anything, those feelings will play out over and over as you create your future. It’s not really about the exact things that you do, as it’s more about the feelings you have while you are doing those things.

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Trusting Your Energy
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Trusting Your Energy

It’s working!!! When I first started learning energy transformation, I was going along with an experimental attitude, not sure if I believed in it or not and the results were spotty. As my high vibe energy has gotten stronger and stronger, and I believed in it more and more, things began to pop up out of the blue.

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What Feeling Works for You
FEEL Judith Joy FEEL Judith Joy

What Feeling Works for You

During a recent client session, the client was lamenting how challenging it is to figure out all the details for her new company. She is still in the dreaming stage, and it seems as if she is hitting the wall and things are much more difficult than they need to be. I asked her to back it up a bit.

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