Yes With Joy! Community Wins

Wins from the Yes with Joy! Community

A year from now, what will be your WIN? We are doing something different this week.  Instead of me sharing with you something about manifesting a life that works for you, I have two ladies (who I’ve worked with) sharing what they have learned and how it has impacted their lives.  Their lives are improving daily. 

I’d love to hear from others in the Yes with Joy! community.  If you have a story that you would like to share, please send it to me.  Also, please include the golden nuggets you have learned that will benefit others.

Together, we can create wonderful things.



In the past, I have approached life from a place of playing small and a lacking mindset. I operated from a place of habit – one where I believed that happiness was found with every promotion. Eventually, I would earn my dream life and find happiness in the world around me.

Recently, when I have been working with Judith, I have changed my entire outlook on life. I started by building a base layer of trusting that the Universe has my back and will continue to provide me with circumstances that match what I focus on: happiness, love, and goodness. I have been working to be High Vibe, and I have been given more good things in my life because of it. Now, I am not only at a point of feeling better, but I know that I can look at every aspect of my life and truly design the life I want.

In addition to designing my ideal life, I have noticed a substantial change in my daily life. I now am focusing on the places in my life where I can play big, having an abundance mindset, and feeling great. I recently came across something small that became big to me because I could truly feel the shift in my life.

Shifting my focus is creating profound changes. Someone stole a package from my front door. Instead of focusing on the anger, I couldn’t help but think that the person who stole it surely needed it more than I did, and I was happy to be a part of how they received what they needed. I even found myself being curious about the person!

In that moment, I celebrated how different it feels to naturally come from a place of trust, abundance, and being High Vibe. I know that nothing is out of reach for me now.



As I reflect on the last crazy year I’m grateful for so much. For me, 2021 was a year of making memories with new and old friends. It was a year both of learning a “new normal” way of life and returning to some of my absolute favorite activities like travel complete with experiences that were good, bad, and sometimes downright uncomfortable. In my good, bad, healthy, and sick times. I’m grateful for everything I learned and experienced in 2021.

This pandemic has taught me so much about living life and my inner happiness. I’ve learned that when I focus on my intentions for a life well lived everything always turns out better than when I’m worried about anything in the world that’s outside of my total control. This is true when planning for a trip too!

What matters to me is that I continue to live my best life spending quality time with my family and friends, laughing with fun people, making progress on my personal aspirations, feeling passionate about my work, savoring delicious meals in new destinations, and embarking on incredible adventures that inspire me.

2021 was a rollercoaster of a year for many, and I realized more than ever that these things are the only things that actually matter. Everything else is just a silly distraction keeping me from living my best life.

Entering this first chapter of 2022, I am returning to my luxury travel planning role as an experienced pandemic travel influencer and I can say this for sure:

Always start by setting a positive intention for your getaway. Whether traveling, planning a staycation, or staying home in your own backyard, set the intention to be happy.

In life, change is the only thing that’s a guarantee. The world of travel is changing by the moment. Some changes are good and some just plain suck. I’ve found that choosing to view life through rose-colored lenses and rolling with the constant changes in our crazy world keeps me from worrying or getting angry about things I cannot control, change or impact.

Not worrying allows me to be present and make the best choices. This has also gotten me out of some crazy travel situations with magical results!

Try seeing the world around you through the eyes of a child. Notice what your kids focus on when you are out exploring. Kids have an incredible way of observing things we take for granted and being totally present to capture the best of nature, the sights, and sounds of a big city, and even just the fun of puddle jumping on a rainy day!

Make a plan for the year to schedule all of your vacation days. Vacation is salvation! I’m a big believer that we all need a fresh perspective from time to time, especially now in these crazy pandemic times. It always pains me to hear from so many friends and clients how they finished the year and didn’t use all of their vacation time.

Escaping the day-to-day grind has been so freeing during these intense pandemic times both for my family and for all of my clients who share tales of how getting away was life-changing for them. When I’m feeling stuck, I’ve found that a change of scenery can make all the difference in opening up my mind to new possibilities.

Travel is good for the soul. The memories we make and the stories we remember from meeting new people and experiencing new places are life-changing. It doesn’t have to be fancy, you don’t even have to travel across the globe. Just jump in your car and drive! You only need to go as far as an hour in any direction on a quest to find some fun!

Give the ultimate gift of travel to those you love. Experiences make the best gifts! This year I’ve had so many clients turn to me to plan epic vacation experiences as gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, honeymoons, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, and even an incredible VIP experience at the Macy’s Day Thanksgiving Parade. The joy and memories of these experiences will certainly outlast any material gift.

Best Wishes for Happy Travels for all you Well Traveled Kids in 2022! Wishing you all the best for an amazing year ahead! Where ever life takes you, I hope you have extraordinary adventures both at home and away! Please don’t hesitate to reach out when you are looking for specific expert travel advice. It would be my great pleasure to plan an extraordinary luxe getaway for you! Cheers to 2022!


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