14 Guidelines for a Life that Works for You

14 Guidelines for a Life that Works for You

Here is a brief “cheat sheet” to help you create a life that works for you.  Most blogs are story based touching on one of these guidelines.   

14 Guidelines for a Life that Works for You

  1. Take responsibility for your life.  Your thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs, judgments, etc. are within your ability to influence.

  2. Be willing to be open.  The willingness to be, do or have is the same as opening a door to the possibility.  Willingness isn’t the same as choosing. You can be willing and still not choose to do it.

  3. Be open to possibilities and opportunities.  Everything is a possibility...until you close off an option.  Eliminate judgment as this is one way to close off what is possible. 

  4. Make choices. Change the choices as needed. You have the ability to make choices.  Use this power.

  5. Choose the feeling(s) you would like to experience. When you are operating in high vibe, life will have more ease for you. This is when you are feeling the love, peace, kindness and all the other yummy feelings that create expansion and possibility for you.

  6. Align with the feelings you would like to experience.  Do things that will build these feelings.  Release anything that isn’t these feelings.  What you focus on is what you get.

  7. Have, choose, and build a passion, dream, or desire.  This gives your life meaning and purpose.  When you know where you are going, the path unfolds for you in the direction of your choosing.

  8. Know the benefits, purpose, and results you would like to have. What is valuable about your passion, dream, desire, etc. 

  9. Operate from intuition.  Listen to your body as it talks to you.  Follow your inspired actions.

  10. Choose the rules for your life.  Instead of being programmed by others and society, choose which rules work for you.  Choose your values.  This is about consciously choosing the “memes” that work for you.

  11. Ask questions.  When you draw a conclusion, you are closing the door to possibilities.  And when you ask questions (especially ones that are more than yes/no), possibilities can open up for you.

  12. Tap into the quiet.  This is where you will hear the answers.

  13. Let go of what doesn’t work for you.  Expecting it to turn up in a certain way at a certain time.  Surrender.  Let go.  Release.  Old patterns and habit.

  14. Allow it to be even better than you expect. Perspective.  What else is possible? How does it get even better?  Being open.

If you want to learn more about Choosing Your High Vibe, watch my Micro-Mini Workshop below.

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