Force vs. Ease

Force vs. ease

An older gentleman (whom I know very well) and I were casually talking.  By the end of the ten-minute talk, I saw a pattern.  Much of what he was saying focused on how proud he is that he works “hard,” uses “force,” and “goes through a brick wall if necessary.”  Don’t get me wrong.  For him, this works...until it doesn’t.

One’s deeply held beliefs create the reality that a person experiences.  For this gentleman, he was experiencing difficulty making doctors’ appointments.  His beliefs created his reality.

However, my husband and I approach life a bit differently.  We have the belief that “if there is a will there is a way...and the way is found with ease.” Consequently, we focus on the feeling of ease and the Universe shows us the way.  We don’t have to go through walls to get things done.  We do the next inspired action.

Thus, our reality is filled with ease.  Yes, things happen that can be looked at as difficult, and it’s all about how we approach life with the belief of ease that creates an ease in our reality.  My husband is approaching 80 and has no trouble getting doctor’s appointments.  They happen with ease.

If you put too much force into blowing a soap bubble, it pops. To create more bubbles, it is best to do it with a kind breath.  You are in control of how you show up when you blow the bubble.

The same is true of your inner feelings. Ease is the result of being high vibe.  So, to get to the feeling, start doing things that create gratitude, kindness, love, peace, compassion, etc.  Your life is up to you.  You get to choose how you feel.

Ease Meditation

To enhance your ease, try this meditation, which can be done while sitting, lying down, or walking.  (I wouldn’t recommend it while driving.)  It can be done with eyes closed or open.  In short, try the variations and choose what works for you.

Plan for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Let’s begin. (I like to keep my eyes closed, so that is where I’ll start.) 

  1. Close your eyes and take three cleansing breathes.  Slowly inhale and slowly exhale. 

  2. Write the word “ease” in your brain.

  3. Imagine the word turning into energy and let it slide and expand inside your body. (I imagine the energy looks like vapor or steam.  Sometimes, it has colors.)

  4. Watch as the energy fills your body.

  5. Say the word “ease” and feel the ease as your body relaxes.

  6. Watch as there is so much energy that it leaks out of your body.

  7. Say the word “ease” and feel the ease as your body relaxes.

  8. Watch as it expands to fill the room, then your home, then your city, then your....  You get the idea.  Keep expanding the energy until you can imagine it expanding to the outer edges of the galaxy and beyond.

  9. Say the word “ease” and feel the ease as your body relaxes.

  10. Look around at all the energy.  What do you notice?  Is there a color? Are there multiple colors?  Is there a design?  Do you see an image?  Which parts of your body are still tense? Just notice what is there.  You don’t have to do anything other than feel the ease.

  11. Again, say the word “ease” and feel the ease as your body relaxes.

  12. Say, “So be it.  It is done.”

  13. Take a slow cleansing breath.

  14. Open your eyes and go about your day from the feeling of ease.

You have now completed the Ease Meditation.  This isn’t rocket science.  State your feeling intention – ease.  Focus on the feeling. It’s that simple.

As you practice the feeling of ease, things will show up differently in your life.  To change your outer world (what shows up in your reality), you must first change your inner world.  When you feel the ease, things will show up with ease...and then you take action from there.

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