Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Open to Inspiration
Inspiration & Motivation Judith Joy Inspiration & Motivation Judith Joy

Open to Inspiration

Once you know your intention, you never know where inspiration will come from. My intention is to peacefully move with ease from creation to creation with fun, laughter, and play. This is how I received guidance from the Universe and how it played out in one situation.

About two years ago, I was watching videos and ran across one about pour painting. My insides lit up and I had an internal “ding.” It looked like fun and something I’d love to do even though I never considered myself an artist. I tried it and fell in love. I even use it with clients (who are local).

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Believe to Manifest
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Believe to Manifest

If you could ________, what would you do?

I was reading a book about John of God, a healer in Brazil, and he asked a man in a wheelchair, “If you could walk, what would you do?”  This got me thinking, if I could live without my limitations, what would I do?

And I was shocked to realize that even though I want to do things, I couldn’t answer this question very easily…

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