Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Believe to Manifest
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Believe to Manifest

If you could ________, what would you do?

I was reading a book about John of God, a healer in Brazil, and he asked a man in a wheelchair, “If you could walk, what would you do?”  This got me thinking, if I could live without my limitations, what would I do?

And I was shocked to realize that even though I want to do things, I couldn’t answer this question very easily…

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Follow the Energy. Trust Yourself. Believe in Yourself.
Act from Inspired Power Judith Joy Act from Inspired Power Judith Joy

Follow the Energy. Trust Yourself. Believe in Yourself.

Sometimes, we don’t know why things happen until after.

Sometimes, we wouldn’t pick the path, and still the path picks us.

Sometimes, it just doesn’t make sense (according to others) and we still feel drawn to do it.

Sometimes, we scratch our heads and wonder how it turned out better than we ever imagined.

That is what following the energy is like…

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What Do You Believe?
Law of Attraction Judith Joy Law of Attraction Judith Joy

What Do You Believe?

I have a pillow that I see every day. It quietly sits on the bench in the hallway. “She believed she could, so she did.” It’s a silent reminder that what I believe becomes reality.

That got me thinking. There are two ways to approach this. Only focus on what you do believe will happen or dig deep to see where you’re tripping yourself up with beliefs that no longer work for you. The trick is to balance the two approaches. For if you only look for what doesn’t work, then you will get more of what doesn’t work.

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What You Believe Matters
Food Judith Joy Food Judith Joy

What You Believe Matters

I have a pillow that I see every day. It quietly sits on the bench in the hallway. “She believed she could, so she did.” It’s a silent reminder that what I believe becomes reality.

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