Judith Joy

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2023 Wrapped

It’s almost 2023.  Are you ready?  What will you have done by the end of next year?

I can hear you now.  “Wait!  We aren’t even done with 2022 and already you want me to think of next December?”

Yes!  Now is the time to start dreaming about what will make 2023 a successful year.  Don’t worry, you can change your mind. You can make different choices.  For now, just start dreaming (and write them down).

Recently, four of us sat around the kitchen table imagining what we will be grateful for on December 31, 2023 as if it was already done.  We did it in power point format, complete with pictures, while peppy music played in the background.  It was amazing how into each of us got.  Hours flew by.

What was interesting is how each of our power points was different.  One person was focused on exactly what she desired.  Two of us focused on the overall feeling, although in different ways.  Another has just gotten the pictures for each item and will fill in with more descriptions later.  There were personal pics, ones from the internet, memes, and cartoons.

Overall, it was a fun way to script the new year.  Give it a try and see where your creativity leads you as you explore what it is you would like to imagine into creation.

It all begins with your imagination.  Imagine what might be possible.  Don’t worry about the particulars at this point.  Visualize and feel what it is you would love to happen. 

If you can have anything and know it’s going to work out and shine better than you ever imagined and more than your wildest dreams, what would it be? 

What would you like to be, have, or do this next year?

The next step is to align with your desires.  We will go over this in future blogs.  (For now, start dreaming of what is possible.)

Once you know what to focus on, the Universe knows what to opportunities to present to you.  Distractions just confuse you and the Universe.  I heard someone on social media say that this is one of the easiest times to be successful.  So many people are distracted.  Those of us who are focused succeed, because that is the way the Law of Consequences works.  The consequence of focus is progress.

Progress will look like the Universe whispering what the next step is. It’s up to you to take the inspired actions and do them. And then open your awareness to the next action step and do that.  And so on.

What you focus on is what you get.  That being said, what is it that you choose to focus on?

My personal process:

  • List five things that I would like to focus on.

  • For each thing, list five small actions that will help me focus on them.

  • Create Power Point slides complete with pictures of various kinds.

  • Keep playing around with the pictures and wording until everything feels expansive and possible.  It’s okay if it feels a little bit too big. 

I like to take the broad approach and know that the Universe will bring me experiences that match that.  I don’t like to limit what is possible.  For example, one thing that I’m focusing on is Fun.  The actions are creativity, laughter, being wacky, playing with my husband, and showing up as more of me.  Now, I’ve got a plan for what I’m expecting.  I leave the how and when up to the Universe.

Someone else may write something more specific, such as, travel the world.  Their actions include research places to go, ask people to join me, brush up on photography skills for awesome pics, choose when it is in my highest good to travel, and actually book something.

Use what works for you.  This is all about playing in the quantum field of infinite possibilities.  Be sure to ask yourself, “What else is possible?”  This will help you expand your imagination.

Dream big.  It’s your life.  It’s your year.  You get to choose what it will be like.  What you choose to focus on is up to you.

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