Judith Joy

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There is No Fail, Only Try

High Vibe is the Difference Between Failure and Success

Failure comes in two flavors – low vibe and high vibe. It doesn’t matter if you personally are high vibe or low vibe, as both have failure. However, the difference is your perspective of what you are experiencing.

When you are low vibe and feel chaotic, apathetic, depressed, guilty, judged, shamed, and blamed, you probably look at failure as something bad.  One negative after another.  You may even make up a rule that you are a failure and never get it right.  Afterall, it didn’t work all of the times you did try. So that means you aren’t perfect and you’ll always be wrong, so you might as well give up. You stop trying.  Failure becomes something to avoid.

Now imagine that you are high vibe and life smooths out and you feel calm, kind, joyful, loving, and peaceful.  You try something, find out if it gives you the results you desire, and if it doesn’t, you try something else. Failure is something to embrace.  You can’t really fail when you are high vibe.  You just get information to help you do better the next time.

Think of failure as ice cream. 

When it’s the low vibe flavor, you don’t like it. In fact, it tastes awful and you do anything you can to avoid it.  If this was your only exposure to ice cream, you may decide that all ice cream is bad.  This is reinforced if the next flavor doesn’t taste much better.  Pretty soon you’ll be avoiding ice cream. 

Now, this is a real shame.  There are so many flavors of ice cream and so many different types that surely you can find one or two that you do like.  If you decide that all ice cream is awful, based upon your failure after tasting a few flavors, then you would be missing out on something truly great. In fact, if you are coming at failure from the perspective that “I never get it right,” why would you want to try something else?

However, when the ice cream is a high vibe flavor (which really means that you are high vibe) you will taste the ice cream with an expectation of excitement.  Then if you happen to taste something that you don’t like, you simply say, “next.”  The failure doesn’t hold you back.  In fact, you have tried something, found that it didn’t work for you, and then moved on and can make another choice. 

You can’t really fail in high vibe.  You just find what works and what doesn’t.  And this is valuable information.

There will always be things that don’t work for you.  This isn’t failure.  This is just getting information. From there, you get to make a choice and if it doesn’t work for you, you can make another your choice. 

Begin by choosing if you would like to be low vibe or high vibe.  It’s up to you. Then do things that match your desire.

If you choose to be low vibe and you sit on the couch staring at the wall, then you feel bad. Random thoughts float through your mind about how “nothing works for you so why try?”  You tried to do x, y, and z and they were failures, so you must be a failure.

By the way, you are a success because you chose to feel low vibe and you do. (Do you see the shaming and blaming on yourself?)  You aren’t a failure. You have set the intention to be low vibe and have accomplished it.

However, if you choose to be high vibe and sit staring at the same wall, you start to meditate and begin to feel even better and great ideas pop in.  Possibilities open up and you are off and running. Next, you get the idea to read “that book” that has been sitting on your shelf for over a year.  You read it and get an idea that helps you in some way.  You try it and that wasn’t quite it, so you try something else. And you learned something that will ultimately help you in some way.

It's all a matter of perspective.  And it starts with you.  The important thing is to set your vibe first.  Then when you try things and “fail,” you’ll just be getting information and will be on your way to finding what works for you.

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