White Light Meditation: My Birthday Gift to You!

White Light Meditation

This is my birthday week, and I’d like to give you a present.  Below is a White Light Meditation for Manifestation.  Do this each day and watch as your life improves.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday.

White Light Meditation for Manifestation

Initial Relaxation (Set the High Vibe)

1.  Imagine a white light coming into your body.

2. Watch and see where it goes.

3.  Notice as your muscles relax.

4.  Watch as more and more muscles relax. (You can focus on one body part at a time if you choose.)

5.  Feel the relaxation.

6.   Imagine your muscles melting as if they were melting chocolate.  Tension seeps out of your body.  The earth is happy to absorb this tension from you (so that it can be redirected to where it is needed more or transformed into something better).

7.    Repeat steps 1 – 6 multiple times. Take your time.

Imagine the Possibilities (Feel the Vibe)

8.  Imagine a situation that you would like to be different.

9.   Ask yourself: 

a.  “What would I truly like to have happen?” This is when you are asking for the true outcome.  Keep this to a few words.  Then ask yourself, “By having that happen, what will the result be?”  Often, this is what your true desire is.

b.  “What would I like to hear?” With this question, you are imagining what you will hear from others.  Imagine what it is you would like to hear.

10.  Imagine what happens and what you would like to hear AS IF it’s already happening. 

11.  Imagine yourself rejoicing and celebrating. Feel the feelings of it all working out as you imagined.

Final Relaxation (Expand the High Vibe)

12.  Repeat steps 1 -6 and relax into this new way of being.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Everything begins with imagination.

The darkness cannot exist where there is light.  When you are in a dark room and turn the light on, the darkness disappears.  Darkness is just an absence of light.

It may take a few imaginings to really get into the swing.  That is ok. 

This is a new skill.  Your body is used to the old way of doing things and may return to the old ways because it sees them as the “way it should be.”  Be patient with your body as you transition to this new way of being.  The more you feel it, the easier it will be to feel, build, and maintain it.

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