Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Force vs. Ease
Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy Imagine the Possibilities Judith Joy

Force vs. Ease

An older gentleman (whom I know very well) and I were casually talking. By the end of the ten-minute talk, I saw a pattern. Much of what he was saying focused on how proud he is that he works “hard,” uses “force,” and “goes through a brick wall if necessary.” Don’t get me wrong. For him, this works...until it doesn’t.

One’s deeply held beliefs create the reality that a person experiences…

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White Light Meditation: My Birthday Gift to You!
Judith Joy Judith Joy

White Light Meditation: My Birthday Gift to You!

This is my birthday week, and I’d like to give you a present. Below is a White Light Meditation for Manifestation. Do this each day and watch as your life improves.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday…

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Energy Meditation for Peace
Energy Shifts Judith Joy Energy Shifts Judith Joy

Energy Meditation for Peace

When things aren’t going the way you would like, it’s time to step into the peace. Any time you have an agitation, this is your body telling you that you are out of alignment with peace. And since peace is where you are most powerful, it would benefit you to return there to “solve” your agitation.

This includes when things are going on in the world that you would like to be different. You can do something…

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