Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

The Power Within
FOCUS Judith Joy FOCUS Judith Joy

The Power Within

The power is in the relaxing. No, I don’t mean sitting in front of the TV and drinking a beer. The relaxing I’m talking about is the stillness within. An athlete calls it being in the zone…that point when everything just works and thought isn’t required. In fact, it’s almost as if he becomes the observer…

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The Importance of Rest
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

The Importance of Rest

Do you need a break from life?
Are you tired of doing, doing, and more doing?
Are you feeling run down and still pushing forward?

It may be time for a rest.

Many people keep on running and doing and never actually rest. Even their vacations are action packed. I’ll bet you’ve heard people say, “I have to go home to rest up from my vacation.” The whole idea of taking time out of your daily life is to give your body a chance to rest.

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Notice the Blessings (Even if They are Late)
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Notice the Blessings (Even if They are Late)

What blessings are you missing – even though they are right in front of you?

Recently, my husband opened a card that I’d put on his pillow on our anniversary. Eleven months ago. He’d moved it to the nightstand and then forgot about it. (Obviously, dusting isn’t his job. If it was, it would be a very dirty nightstand.)

He asked if this was an early card. Nope. I’d been waiting for him to open it. Coincidentally, the focus of the card was about communications and laughing at how one of us says one thing and the other hears something else.

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Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way
Perspective Judith Joy Perspective Judith Joy

Dealing with the Shooting in a High Vibe Way

The reality of high vibe consciousness is to stay high vibe EVEN WHEN others around you are freaking out. This is exactly what I did as soon as I heard of the shooting in my hometown this week.

My first thought was to send loving energy to everyone involved. Victims. Almost victims. The family of the shooter. And even the shooter. I surrounded them with love with the intention of calming their nervous systems.

My second thought was to raise my vibration even higher so that I could be more of an energetic help. I put on soft music and painted.

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Energy Meditation for Peace
Energy Shifts Judith Joy Energy Shifts Judith Joy

Energy Meditation for Peace

When things aren’t going the way you would like, it’s time to step into the peace. Any time you have an agitation, this is your body telling you that you are out of alignment with peace. And since peace is where you are most powerful, it would benefit you to return there to “solve” your agitation.

This includes when things are going on in the world that you would like to be different. You can do something…

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Sunshine Hugs (1 of 2)
Food Judith Joy Food Judith Joy

Sunshine Hugs (1 of 2)

Hugs. Do you remember them? They are something we used to do before Covid. Putting our arms around another human being. Invading another’s six foot personal space bubble. Connecting on a deeper level.

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