Judith Joy

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Being Grateful Even When...Naples was Hit by a Category 4 Hurricane

"Don't worry. It won't be bad," said my husband as he walked into the condo in Naples, Florida. I figured he knew what he was talking about since he's a Floridian. (And as a pilot, he understands weather patterns.) Famous last words.

I’m grateful my husband had fun in true Floridian fashion while staying safe.  He took a nap, then played the piano, and drank wine while partying with the guys in the building.

The day after, Bruce was grateful to be alive. (It's amazing how your perspective shifts once the alcohol wears off.)

We’re grateful that we have done so much energy clearing over the years and are able to handle this event with a sense of ease. Our set point is gratitude – such a nice place to live.

We’re grateful we have insurance. I never really liked my brand-new car anyway. We'll have to have a funeral for it. It drowned in 7 feet of water.

I’m grateful for the Oracle card reading I had during the hurricane.  It said I should get more comfortable with spending money. Funny considering what happened. By the way, all five of us who did readings got exactly the message applicable to each of us.

We’re grateful the building is doing as well as it is. The collapsible walls collapsed leaving the rest of the structure solid. Unfortunately, one was next to our storage locker. We’re grateful we didn't have anything important in the locker (except Bruce’s fishing equipment).

We’re grateful the building is still strong even though the air conditioners blew off the roof, and we won't have air conditioning for six weeks.

We’re grateful we have a second home up north. Even though the outside is under construction, it's habitable. And we’ll have another option for Thanksgiving with the family.

We’re grateful my son's home near Tampa wasn't affected, and he came up north before the storm. We got to visit. Yeah!  I’m thankful all the energy we sent to protect his home worked. Now we just need to work on being more specific with the request. (I am grateful for the realization that the way I did this could be improved. Instead of coming from a place of protecting against something, I could give the next hurricane a love cuddle to help it calm down.)

I am grateful my son is with me, and he can help me go car shopping. He wants me to try a Tesla. I'm not so sure. I’m grateful I'm up north, can get a car, and have it shipped to Florida. Or I can take my older car down there. I have options. I'm sure cars will be in demand down there.

We’re grateful my husband has family to visit in Tampa and can leave the condo and know that the building manager and staff are doing their best to take care of things.

I’m grateful Bruce is on his way home up north, and then we get to go to Philly to babysit the grandkids. Fun times ahead.

We are grateful for all the wonderful people who are working to put our town back together. It's a big job. Thank you!

We are grateful that we are able to help others in need. Disaster relief will be greatly appreciated by those impacted.

We are grateful that we can send loving energy to everyone impacted.

Overall, we are grateful, grateful, grateful.

When you have something that isn’t going exactly according to plan, turn to gratitude. It is easy to be swept away in a hurricane of the low vibes of depression, anxiety, anger, fear, moaning, and groaning. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You have a choice.

When things feel out of your control, focus on what you can control: your mindset. Focus on the gratitude. In the best-case scenario, you’ll find more things to be grateful about and you’ll have more peace and ease in your life. At the very least, you’ll feel better being grateful than stressed. And from this more relaxed perspective, you’ll be able to handle whatever is happening.

Stay grateful.

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