Manifestation Day is Born

Manifestation Day is Born

The deep dive started out as it normally did.  Three of us get together once a month for anywhere from a day to a week.  (Yes, you read that right.)  We state our intentions and then start diving into the emotions to clear the way for our desires to come to us. We have been doing this for years.

This past deep dive, the common theme of our intentions was to align with our intentions with ease.  Then something weird happened.  We all felt pressure in our heads as if the energies were moving furniture in the attic.

And then as the pressure lifted, we felt aligned.  There wasn’t anything to work on.  We commented that it’s been going like this lately, where things are happening faster and faster.

Thus, was born a Manifestation Day.  We decided to play with the whole idea of only setting intentions and aligning with them (without the emotional digging into limiting beliefs and such).  We each came up with about ten things that we would like to have come true.  Some were big and some were very small. However, since the Universe doesn’t recognize that one is harder than another, they are equal.  It’s only in our minds that one is harder to get than another.

And guess what?  We spent less time “working” and things started coming true right away.

Moon boots.  Check.  Ordered.  Now we are just waiting for them to arrive to see if my friend likes them. 

Spray painting tent put together with ease. Check.  This was done with ease – once I read the directions, which I hadn’t the day before. (Directions don’t always make sense to me.)

You might say, “but these things are in your control.  All you had to do was do them.”  While true, it wasn’t until the intention was stated to find beautiful, comfortable shoes for the winter that moon boots even entered my friend’s mind. While they aren’t beautiful (and she is open to more options) the moon boots popped into her mind as something she wanted. She couldn’t order them until she knew that she wanted them.

Now, wait for it…The biggest shocker happened two days after the Manifestation Day.  I was having my morning tea and my housekeeper asked if she could buy one of my paintings.  Her intention is to have her apartment be an art gallery.  I was honored that she wants to include a painting of mine.  One of my intentions was to sell my paintings for a profit (more than the cost of producing them).  My friend calls it making enough to support the habit. 

Success. And all I did was align with the intention.

So, how do you do this?

  1. Be high vibe.  Set your own energy so that you are at peace within yourself.  (Deep breathing, meditation, exercise, and staring at a candle are good ways to do this.)

  2. Know your true intentions. What is it that you would like to have by having what it is you would like to have?  Look at the true feelings you would like to experience. 

    When I put the spray-painting tent together, I just wanted to feel ease with the process and that feeling of accomplishment that “I did it.”  I knew it would get done.  The question was if I could do it with ease or if I handed it off to someone else.

  3. Write your intentions clearly.   Play with the wording until what you write down is what you truly desire.  Start with what you think you want, then think of all the different ways it can show up or be interpreted. Then adjust your wording to fine tune it.

    At first, one of my intentions was: My joints feel great.  Then I thought about the word joints.  I meant my physical body joints, not the pot kind.  After a laugh, I rewrote the intention.

    Oh, when you actually write down the intention, you will see things differently than when you just say them.  In addition, they are easier to remember so you can reference the list to see what has happened.

  4. Align with your intentions.  Think about each intention.  What does it feel like?  You’re looking for the “yeah, I’ve got it” feeling.  Anything else, is something to note and clear. 

    To clear any feelings that don’t match the “yeah, I’ve got it” feeling, use your imagination.  Imagine opening your chest and stomach to let go of the tight or sinking feeling (or whatever feeling you have).  Then imagine the “yeah, I’ve got it” feeling filling in your chest and stomach.  Keep going back and forth until your body “clicks into place” and you feel peace.  (By the way, coaching will help with this part.)

  5. Go have fun.  Let go of thinking that you “have to” do something.  Having fun is building your high vibe, which helps bring things in with more ease.

    The how it gets done is up to the Universe.  At this point, your job is to pay attention when it’s time for you to do the next action, and then do it. When an idea pops in, do that.  Follow what you are called to do. (This is the action step.)

It really is that simple.  After you set your intentions and align with them, it’s fun to see what shows up.  Two days after our Manifestation Day, my creative projects manager texted to see what I’d done with my energy, because suddenly, we had over a 50% increase in the website traffic.  And I didn’t even have any intentions about my website or even my business.

Once you start aligning in one area of your life, the feelings of being in alignment will impact every area of your life.  It’s up to you know what you truly desire and then to be in alignment.

Take some time to have your own Manifestation Day and see what pops up in your life.  You just might surprise yourself.  I know I was surprised when the opportunity to sell a painting literally walked into my kitchen.

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