A Simple Intention setting Question

Sometimes the smallest tweak can really open the door to something better.  Recently, while reading a romance novel, I ran across a question that blew my mind.  Instead of the character asking, “What is your intention?” she asked, “What would you like to hear?”

I literally stopped reading and thought about this.  This is a new way of looking at your desire.  Just go to the end, where you already have your desire, and imagine what you would like to hear someone (or yourself) say.  It’s simple and straight forward. It has the energy of “it’s done.”  Whereas, very often, setting an intention carries the energy of “I don’t have, and I want.”

Bruce (my husband) and I were talking about this while on a walk.  He said that he would like to hear his sales team say, “The product is so popular it’s flying off the shelves.”  He’s launching a new product and would like it to do well.  A moment later, he got the urge to leave the sidewalk and walk along the road, where he found a $10 bill.  We took this as a sign from the Universe that the product will be successful.  Afterall, how often do you find $10 on the side of the road?

Then the next day, I’d finished grocery shopping and was loading the car. I didn’t’ really want to bring my cart back to the front of the store, but would, because it’s kind.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man at the end of the aisle walking toward the store. He would pass me just as I was done loading the car. 

My first thought was:  What would I like to hear?  Without missing a beat, I knew that I’d like to hear: “I’ll take that cart for you.”  I slowed down closing the trunk of the car and waited for him to pass. 
I was checking out the situation from the corner of my eye and saw the man give a little head shake as if he’d just said an internal, “What?” He then said, “I’ll take that for you.”  With a big smile, I said, “Thanks.”

It’s amazing that this simple question can so easily influence the outcome.  Give it a try. I’d love to hear: “This question is amazing, and it’s so simple.  I tried it and got a fabulous result.  Let me tell you all about it....”  What is it that you would like to hear?


Yes With Joy! Community Wins


Converse Through Signs from the Universe