Judith Joy

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Raise Your Vibe – Fill Your Love Cup Before

A recently divorced woman and I were talking about her desire to find her next husband. I could feel that she was still sad and explained that if she attracted her husband now, she would attract someone who resonated with sad.  Instead, I suggested she fill herself with love so that she can raise her vibe and attract someone with a much higher vibe.

She thought she loved herself already.  She looked at me as if I was crazy.

The imagery of a cup popped into my mind.  She was filling her love cup partway and then giving it away.  Thus, she was depleting the love before she could benefit from it. 

Instead, she would benefit from filling her love cup until it was overflowing.  From the overflow (and only the overflow) she should share the love. 

Her question was, “How do I do that when I think I’m already loving myself?”

It’s simple.  Quietly think (in your inner mind) “I love you.”  Then repeat this over and over.  The more you say it, the more you will begin to feel it.  The more you feel it, the more your cup will fill up.  And when it’s overflowing, miracles will happen.

You’ll get amazing results when you do this. Some of these results will happen immediately, others may happen over time. You’ll

  • Feel lighter

  • Have argumentative people leave you alone

  • Raise your vibe

  • Own your power

  • Be able to disengage from an argument with ease

  • Feel better

  • Like yourself more

  • Attract people who resonate with the love feelings

  • Let go of people who are low vibe

  • Set an example for your friends and family of how wonderful it is to love yourself

  • Stop feeling drained

  • Step into your power, imagine what you’d like to happen, and then be able to step back while you allow it to manifest

  • Have better interactions with people

All it takes is loving yourself. 

This can be done in the morning, afternoon, or evening.  It can even be done all day long, including during an argument. 

The first time I did this, one of my kids called from college upset about something.  As she complained, I quietly repeated in my mind “I love you.”  After a few minutes, she said, “Never mind.  I’ll figure it out on my own.” 

I was amazed at how simple it was and what a wonderful outcome happened.

Thus, before you go after that “next” thing, take the time to raise your vibe.  You’ll attract something even better.  Something that you’ll ultimately be even happier with.  And all it takes is filling your love cup to overflowing.  It’s easier than you think.

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