Judith Joy

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Increase Your Intuition

Intuition is a funny thing.  We think we are doing something for one reason and then the real reason is revealed later on.  “Oh, that’s what this is really about!”  And often, intuition will guide us – if we listen to it.

Intuition is a valuable tool that is available to everyone.  It’s up to us to sharpen our own tool. The information is there.  We just have to become aware of it.

How to increase your intuition

  • Inner work.  The more you clear away those things that trigger you, the easier it will be to hear or see what the Universe is trying to tell you. Dissolve all your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs until you get to the point that you are “floating” and no longer bogged down with them. 

  • Questions.  Ask open-ended questions.  Thus, you recognize that you don’t know everything, and you are asking for the answer that you don’t have in your inner files. This is much better than stating a conclusion and closing the doors of intuition.

  • Inner intuition.  Pay attention to random thoughts, feelings, and beliefs as they scroll through your mind AFTER you ask the question.  The first thing that pops in may be the answer you are looking for.

  • Outer intuition.  Pay attention to the things you notice around you.  The Universe speaks to us through what we are drawn to notice around us.  This could be a billboard, a song, an overheard conversation, or even a book that you are reading.

  • Messages from the Universe.  The Universe speaks to you all the time.  It’s your job to ask, listen, and make the connections.  It’s the Universe’s job to give you nudges and point you in the direction of your desires. 

How this played out in real life

While in the Bahamas, I was taking care of my own nails.  Shocker, I know. (And something I’ve been doing since I started painting.) Any who, in the process I nicked my cuticle.  No big deal.  And then it wouldn’t stop bleeding.  So, I spent the afternoon with a tissue wrapped around my ring finger.  Finally, I asked the Universe, “What is this about?” [Notice the question.]

Later, I stumbled across a video on social media about cayenne pepper being a blood thinner.  [Notice the outer intuition.] Oh!  I thought I was using cayenne pepper as a “pretty” spice to bring some color to the food and give it a little extra kick. [A conclusion.]  In the Bahamas, we used a limited selection of spices. Why buy everything for only a few months? It turned out that I was led [had an intuitive hit] to use it just before my husband had heart trouble and was put on blood thinners.

Here's the deal.  I was eating the food also, so I was having the effects of using a blood thinner.

Then I took a further look and asked another question.  Why that finger?  The information popped into my mind. [Inner intuition.] It was the finger I wear my wedding ring on.  And coincidentally, that week, my husband and I had a serious talk about how we could make our marriage even better. 

As we talked, I said something profound. [The Universe was working through me.] We stopped and noted that it was very deep, and I commented that I should really write that down.  Together, we laughed about it.

Well, we did write it down in the form of a simple contract that we both signed.  In short, this is part of the contract:  Our marriage is first in importance (over business).  This means we each show up as our best selves, follow our passions, do our inner consciousness work, and communicate with respect.

I was very impressed with my wording.  Showing up as your best self means, in part, take care of your body.  Deal with stuff instead of sticking your head in the sand.  Following your passions means you are happy doing what you love, and this happiness is then available to be shared. Doing inner consciousness work, is obvious.  Get to the feeling of peace and let go of the feelings that trigger you.  And finally, respecting each other and communicating.  Talk with each other and be nice about it.

Each of these topics came up for a reason.  For example, I grew up with the idea that the business came first and the marriage came second. [A conclusion.] That’s how it was in my parent’s house.  My dad may disagree, but that’s how I saw it.  And as a result, that’s how my first marriage was set up.  Big mistake.  One that I want to correct in this marriage now that I see the difference.  [I did a lot of inner work to come to this realization.]

Luckily, my husband totally agrees.

Using intuition eases the way and helps you to realize you are part of a team with the Universe.   It’s your job to sharpen your awareness of what the Universe is leading you towards. And remember, the Universe has your back. 

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