Converse Through Signs from the Universe

The Universe is talking with you giving you guidance.  Do you know what it is saying?  Most people aren’t in a conversation with the Universe.  Once you learn how to have this interactive conversation, you will find more ease in your daily experiences.

Humans talk using words.  The Universe hears using feelings.  It knows or “hears” what we are asking for by the feelings we continually feel. While the words help us, the feelings behind those thoughts are the real message that the Universe hears.

The Universe “talks” by giving us clues. It’s trying to guide us to what we are asking for.  Humans “hear” the Universe by paying attention to the clues. 

You do this by noticing what snags your interest.  It may be a passing story, song, phrase, article, or idea.  At first, just notice it.  Then when it pops up again, notice that the “sign” appeared again in your awareness.

Once you are aware of a repeating sign, it’s time to ask yourself, “What does this mean for you?”

This is how it played out recently in my own life.

I was talking with my brother-in-law, who talks a lot about Jesus.  He happened to talk about the story of Jesus going into the temple and throwing out the money changers, because the temple was to be used for prayer and not robbing people.  I never knew that the temple was ever used as a market.  This snagged my attention.  Interesting.

The next day, I opened a magazine and read a story about anger.  The example used was about the temple and money changers.  I knew that because I’d heard the story twice in two days, that it meant something to me.  But what? (Notice I asked a question.)

Then I remembered something my brother-in-law said about men in ancient Cannon putting a tallit (a prayer shawl) over their heads “to create the temple within.”  (FYI, this is why the sides of the forehead are referred to as temples.)  I understood it to mean that the temple within is your own inner place of peace. 

So, combining the two stories, I asked, “If the temple is within my own body, then what is robbing my temple?” (Notice another question.)  This got me pondering.  The first answer to pop in was “thoughts.”  Then I asked, “Which thoughts?”  The answer?  All.  Interesting.

I changed direction and went back to what the temple is to be used for – prayer. So, “what would happen if I only prayed as I went about my day?”  Just saying words, especially those that someone else wrote, doesn’t do it for me.  So, I took a deeper look. 

“What is prayer?”  The most effective prayers that I’ve learned about are those with a clear intention along with gratitude for it already being done.  This is followed by the sense of peace, knowing that it is taken care of and done.

A random thought popped in about a book I’ve been reading (Dollars Flow to me Easily, Richard Dotts).  He writes about feeling the inner sense of peace to discover the abundance that is already available to you.  One of his ways of doing this is to limit any worrying to 15 minutes a day.  The other time is spent on feeling the peace. 

Afterall, what you focus on (what your feelings actually are) is what the Universe hears and will bring you things to match those feelings.  Thus, if you worry a lot, then your focus is the feelings associated with worry such as anxiety, disappointment, fear, and blame.

However, if you stop “robbing your temple” with these thoughts (and feelings about those thoughts) and allow the gratitude and peace to replace them, then the Universe can reveal your next step (your action) to something that matches the feelings of peace and gratitude.

It’s about staying in the feelings long enough to bring about what it is you do desire. It begins from within (your feelings) and then shows up as your manifestations.

This insight about being in “prayer” instead of “robbing my temple” came into my awareness because I noticed the story repeated two times (the Universe was talking) and started asking questions (I was talking). I was in conversation.

How to Use Signs from the Universe

  1. Notice what is interesting. (It may just be interesting because you notice it multiple times.)

  2. Notice when it pops up again.

  3. Ask questions with curiosity.  These are open-ended questions that allow for something new to pop in.  They are not yes or no questions that create limitations. (Yes or no questions only allow for two answers.)

  4. Keep an attitude of open wonderment.  (In other words, don’t judge what shows up.  Just be curious.)

  5. Pay attention to the thoughts that pop in.  These will help guide you with the questions.

  6. Change directions if necessary.  If your answers seem to be leading you down a constricting path that doesn’t work for you, perhaps it’s time to change directions with your questions. 

  7. Stop (at least for the moment) when you have a sense of peace as if you now understand what the sign is telling you OR pause for the time being and ask the Universe for clarification.  Then notice what pops in as you go about your day.  New understandings will pop in when you ask for them.

When you are conversing with the Universe, you aren’t alone trying to figure out everything.  Ask for guidance, and then notice when it shows up.  Notice what you notice.  Ask questions. And find the peace within.  Your outer experiences will match your new feelings.  Just step out of your own way.  Life is a conversation.  Be in it.


A Simple Intention setting Question


Manifest Your Ideal 2022