Judith Joy

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A Gratitude Thanksgiving

Did you know that being thankful and grateful can release the hold of depression?

This works because you are shifting your focus to something that does work for you AND you change how you actually feel within your body.  Think of it as a treasure hunt for something even better.

This leads to you feeling better and better.  Thus, the depression lifts.

This isn’t just theory.  Shoshi, my daughter, had depression as a child until she was 21.  Then, she said, “All this stuff (the regular treatments) isn’t working. Teach me what you do.”  This was music to my ears. She asked for my help because she saw how much happier I was.

She started with gratitude.  It was simple.  Every night, she would think of things to be grateful about.  On a good day, she would do it for 30 minutes.  On a “bad” day, she would do 60 minutes. Now she does it all day long, whenever she notices something to be grateful about. That’s a lot of gratitude.

The more she focused on what was working in her life (including indoor plumbing, yummy food, a warm bed, being able to read, etc.) the more she noticed to be grateful about.

Now, she is one of the happiest people I know.

So, as you approach the holiday season and will be seeing lots of family and friends, look for what you love about it.  Keep your focus on whatever is working for you. 

You’ll notice that you may have a complaint. Afterall, family usually brings up something.  However, if you have a complaint, look for the good.  It can be as simple as “At least...” or “Now, I have the opportunity...” or “Wow, I’m grateful for...”

Look for the good and you will begin to see more of it.

  • Too much to eat?  I’m grateful for a full belly and plenty of food to eat. 

  • Grandparents are asking invasive questions? I’m grateful that they are alive and interested in my life.

  • Too much noise?  I’m grateful for all these people in my life.

  • Aunt Ethel wears too much perfume?  I’m grateful that my nose works so well.

You get the idea.  Look for things to be grateful about.

P.S. I’m incredibly grateful for each and every one of you.  You have improved my life in ways you can’t imagine.  And I love writing for you and sharing ideas to help you improve your lives.  Thank you for being a part of my life.

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