Judith Joy

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Peace in the Midst of Turmoil

What to do when things don’t go according to plan?

We are all faced with challenges and turmoil.  Life doesn’t always go smoothly.  People respond  differently to these challenges, and it is how you respond that can greatly impact your outcome. You can be swept away in the current of turmoil, or you can choose something different. 

The higher your personal vibe is, the better you feel, and the easier it will be to navigate the tough times.  Things will feel less overwhelming when you are operating and living in high vibe.

A client lamented to me that her intention for the year is to be high vibe.  Then her mother-in-law died.  While it was a shock and everyone was upset, she didn’t stay in the grief, even though that was her initial reaction.  She quickly found her inner peace.  Thus, as she navigated everything that needed to be done, she did it with grace and ease, from that place of peace.

When I saw her, she shared that she was disappointed that this sadness had happened after setting her intention to be high vibe for the year. I simply reminded her that she was still in high vibe. 

Many times, we think of high vibes as gratitude, kindness, and joy. While these are great, we forget that feeling peace is actually more powerful.

In fact, it’s so powerful that you can literally set the intention to be peace, drop into the feeling of peace, focus on it for a while, and then go about your day.  Life will improve tremendously.

Dropping into the Feeling of Peace

When people are tense, their shoulders climb up to their ears, their breathing gets shorter and shallower, their stomachs twist, their jaws clench and grind, and so on.

To drop into the feeling of peace, reverse all of this.  Do it on a physical level (not just with words).  Take a slow, deep breath then exhale for even longer. Imagine any tension in your body melting as if it’s chocolate melting on a hot sidewalk.  Then, mentally step aside as your body begins to relax. Repeat as necessary.

This will also work if you want to visualize the tension turning into vapor and rising off the body.

Things don’t go according to plan and what happens may cause an initial tense reaction. Your body may even be so used to feeling tense that it may have a physical reaction that is not conscious. To reset to that peace feeling, recognize the tense feeling, be willing to let it go, visualize it melting or evaporating off of you, and then fill it with the feeling of peace.

Living in Peace

How do you fill your body with the feeling of peace?

First, it is important to know the physical sensation of peace in your body. Once you can identify what your body feels like when it feels at peace, you are one step closer to living in the state of peace. The more you touch that peace feeling, the easier it is for your body to get back to it.

Once you have moments of peace and know what it feels like, you can string the moments together. And pretty soon, you will have longer and longer moments of peace until you string those together and have a life filled with being in the state of peace.

Here’s a shortcut to living in peace...Whenever you have an intention or desire, hold the desire in one hand.  In the other hand, put the feeling of peace.  Shift your focus from one to the other.  When you are at peace with the intention, you simply let it go.  The peace remains and you are aligned with receiving your desire or something even better. 

The Universe will probably not give you your intention when and how you imagined it.  It will give you experiences that match the feeling you are vibrating.  So, if you are at peace with your intention, you are more likely to pull it in to you instead of pushing it away with limiting thoughts or feelings. (Remember, peace is even more powerful than kindness, gratitude, and joy, so it is attracting at an even more powerful vibration.) Then be open to receiving a whisper from the Universe of the next step you need to take or act upon to bring the desire closer to you.

For illustration purposes, imagine that peace is in a straight line.  When something happens that increases tension (such as a headache), stop, recenter yourself and return to the peace.  You simply fell off the line.  (This illustration works for me because I was a gymnast and loved the balance beam.)

It is possible to be in the space of peace.  All it takes is some practice and focus.  Then you are ready for the next step, living it.  And the fun part is watching as your life gets better and better...even with the turmoil going on around you.  Afterall, you can be at peace, no matter what.

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