Judith Joy

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One Problem & One Solution

In truth, there is generally only one problem and only one solution.  Can it really be so simple?  Yes, it can.  Not everything has to be difficult.

What is the one problem?  Congestion.  This can also be looked at as clogged, blocked, hoarded, limited, contracted, or just plain old knotted.  It doesn’t matter if it is traffic, a pipe, an energy meridian, your lungs, or your subconscious.  It can even be the feeling of being stuck.  There is too much of something that is causing congestion.*

Think of too much stuff packed in a toilet or too much phlegm in your lungs.  A little bit is easy to deal with and isn’t really a problem.  A lot, not so much.

The one solution?  Flow. This can also be known as circulation, expansion, or movement.

The idea of congestion and flow is easy to visualize when you imagine a hoarder holding onto everything.  Boxes and boxes of stuff in the home are so plentiful that it is difficult to flow or walk through the rooms.  The boxes are actually limiting the choices available.  There are only a few places to walk vs. being able to dance around the room.

When people want to hold onto something, this becomes hoarding.  They think that what they are hoping for on an emotional level will be accomplished if they can only get more and more stuff.  What they are actually searching for is a feeling to be filled.

We all deal with emotions, or we don’t.  If we allow ourselves to experience the emotions, then let them go, we feel better.  If we don’t deal with the emotions and stuff them down, then we cause congestion in the body and feel worse.  It shows up as body aches and pains.  It can even show up as a disease. 

In terms of prosperity, if you are tight fisted and hold on your money, you will actually have less money coming in than you could have if you put a some of it in circulation.  The clue here is not to spend everything thinking that more is coming.  Spend a small portion to get the flow moving. It’s a symbolic action to match the feeling of flow.

And before you spend, find the emotion of what it is you do desire.  Then do something definite and consistent to keep in touch with that feeling.  It is important to match the feeling you desire with the action you take (in this case spending).

Let’s say you want more business or money coming in. What do you hope to have by having that?  Maybe you want to expand or have a bit more breathing room or be able to pay your bills with more ease.  Underneath all of these, what you truly desire is the sense of ease or flow. 

A doctor friend uses this technique to improve her business cash flow.  If bookings are down or insurance isn’t paying, she will go out and buy something for herself.  The feelings of excitement and anticipation flow through her body as she makes her purchase.  By the time she returns to the office, very often the patients are calling to make appointments.

Do something definite to increase the flow or ease in your life.  This can look like helping someone else have ease by opening a door for them, paying for groceries for the person in line behind you, making a charitable donation, or letting go of emotions that are stuck in your own body. 

When there is a lack of flow, congestion results and that’s when problems begin.  It may not show up the first day, the first week, or even the first month.  However, the congestion becomes a pattern and will show up eventually.  Thus, the problem will show up at some point.

It’s all about focusing on the feeling you would like to have and then doing something so that you experience that feeling over and over. You are creating a pathway for that feeling to come build within you.  You are creating a pattern of flow.  The more flow you have, the less congestion you have.  Win – Win. Problem solved.

*(OK, I know what you are thinking.  What if a pipe rusts?  Rust isn’t a congestion.  Or is it?  Rust is caused by a reaction of oxygen, water, and iron.  When these three elements come together they stop and “have a party.” In essence they congregate and that is pretty much what congestion is – too much congregating. On top of that, the rust can create holes and interrupt the flow in the pipe.) 

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