Manifestation blog
I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!
How to Be Empowered – No Matter What
A LinkedIn post caught my eye and got me thinking.
“It didn’t start with gas chambers. It started with one party controlling the media. One party controlling the message. One party deciding what is truth. One party censoring speech and silencing opposition. One party dividing citizens into “us” and “them” and calling on their supporters to harass them. It started when good people turned a blind eye and let it happen.”
Obviously, this is about what happened in Germany before WWII. And obviously, it is what is happening here in the United States.
One Problem & One Solution
In truth, there is generally only one problem and only one solution. Can it really be so simple? Yes, it can. Not everything has to be difficult.
What is the one problem? Congestion. This can also be looked at as clogged, blocked, hoarded, limited, contracted, or just plain old knotted. It doesn’t matter if it is traffic, a pipe, an energy meridian, your lungs, or your subconscious. It can even be the feeling of being stuck. There is too much of something that is causing congestion.