Judith Joy

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IOA: Intention. Observation. Action.

Simplify Your Manifesting

Have you ever had a project to do and not known where to start?

Has a deadline loomed in front of you and you were stuck?

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

It’s very easy to get overwhelmed, especially when faced with uncertainty.  It can seem as if there are no choices or that there are way too many.  Either way, it’s frustrating. 

Well, what if I told you that there is something you can do to move things along?  And it’s simple. Well, it’s possible.


Begin by knowing what it is you desire, which is another way of saying know what your intention is. Observe what shows up. Then, take inspired actions as you are nudged to do so.

I like to use my Inner Employee (my subconscious, which gets things done “behind the scenes.”)  It’s a simple process.  Complete the four sentences below to help clarify what you truly desire.

  1. Inner Employee, I ask that you _____________________.  (Put the task you’d like done in here. Keep it broad and use very few words.)

  2. The purpose of this is ____________________.

  3. The result will be __________________.

  4. I will feel _______________ when it is done.  (Think in terms of a body sensations  “Champagne bubbles of YES!” is more easily understood by your body than the word “excited.”)


After you know what you desire, step back, and observe.  This is when you can take a few moments and be quiet. For it is in the quiet that you can “hear” an answer.  If after this quiet time you still don’t have an answer, don’t fret.  The Universe will bring the answer in another way. It may be right away or at another time.  Be flexible. 

Inspired Action

Finally, take inspired action.  The inspiration comes from observing what it is that you are noticing, feeling that YES! feeling, and then taking inspired action.  This isn’t about doing “what you should.”  Inspired action is doing what you are inspired to do. Pay attention to the feeling of YES! or “that’s interesting.”  Follow your curiosity.

Real World Example

Recently, I was searching for an idea for a blog.  After writing to my inner employee, my eyes were attracted to my bookshelf.  I asked, “Which book will help me write a blog?”  My eyes went to one book about creativity. I felt the familiar tingle (my sign of a YES!) and knew that this was it.  I finished the book in one day.  It had lots of ideas that will help me write many blogs. It wasn’t so much what the author wrote, as much as the ideas it sparked in me.

Then in a separate incident a few days later, a friend and I were talking.  I asked to be shown by the Universe what was causing my headaches. My mind was blank.  My friend, however, shared the message he got, “Stop trying so hard.”

He went on to explain that it was like pushing water through a kinked hose.  If I backed off and unkinked the hose, the water would flow. This matched what other healers had told me about using fire hose pressure in a garden hose. This also matched another message I’d received to not give more than the person could receive. Just because I could do it doesn’t mean the other person is ready or able to receive it.

The Universe kept giving me the message (in multiple ways) until I could receive it: simpler is often better.  We get it when we get it.

The night before my conversation with my friend, someone texted asking for help.  I’d had a migraine and did the simplest thing I could.  I asked what needed to shift, set the intention to do it, observed the feeling, and then filled the space where it was possible to set it in motion.  (I’ve learned to be very good with being high vibe and moving energy when I have a headache.)  She texted back the next day with gratitude. She and her kids felt tons better.

Combining these three experiences helped clarify for me how important it is to simplify things. 

Try this process with your next project and notice the ease it brings to the process.  Your manifesting will improve when you know what it is you truly desire, observe what shows up, and then take inspired actions.  And in the process, you will be able to let go of the overwhelm and move forward. Simplify with IOA.

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