Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

Moving to Comfortable: Process Out the Uncomfortable
Awareness Judith Joy Awareness Judith Joy

Moving to Comfortable: Process Out the Uncomfortable

Have you ever experienced something, and you quickly felt uncomfortable?

  • You open an email and get a sinking feeling.

  • You have to be on stage, and every time you think of it, you want to throw up.

  • Someone walks into the room and you are looking for a corner to hide in because you fear getting criticized.

Very often the uncomfortable feeling shows up in your body as clenching, twisting, jiggling, tightening, cramping, aching, or throbbing. Or maybe you avoid “it” at all costs and are resisting with all your might. In essence, the feeling is running the show.

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IOA: Intention. Observation. Action.
Act from Inspired Power Judith Joy Act from Inspired Power Judith Joy

IOA: Intention. Observation. Action.

Have you ever had a project to do and not known where to start?

Has a deadline loomed in front of you and you were stuck?

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

It’s very easy to get overwhelmed, especially when faced with uncertainty. It can seem as if there are no choices or that there are way too many. Either way, it’s frustrating.

Well, what if I told you that there is something you can do to move things along? And it’s simple. Well, it’s possible.

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