Judith Joy

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Clarity in Asking

Asking the Universe for Your Desires

“Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true”.  This was something my mother used to say.  Her wish was a smaller butt, which she got when she got cancer.  It wasn’t how she wished for it to come about, but it did happen.

Well, I was reminded of this as I talked with a client the other day.  He was telling me about praying for money to help him pay for medical treatments.  He put a lot of energy and focus into the prayers.  When I asked him exactly what he was saying, I silently groaned as I realized he’d sabotaged himself.

His prayer was simple, but not simple enough. It was similar to: “Thank you God for the money to pay for my medical treatments.  And please don’t have anyone ask me for money help.”  He was putting as much energy into keeping people from calling him for help as he was into receiving money for his benefit.

I pointed out that the Universe doesn’t hear the word “not.” Thus, you are essentially inviting in what you don’t want.  For example, if I say, “Do not think of the pink elephant,” all you can picture is the pink elephant. (By the way, this is also why when you say things like, “Don’t spill.  Don’t spill.  Don’t spill.”  You end up spilling...usually on yourself.) 

So, of course, as soon as the money arrived, someone gave him a call needing help.  Thinking that he was doing something good by helping his friend, he gave away what he needed. What he didn’t realize is that he can’t keep this up.  Eventually, he will be drained and his situation will keep worsening. 

Instead, he would be in a better position asking for what he truly desires.  “Thank you God for a healthy body and resources that will help me be healthier than I can imagine.”  Simple.  Straight to the point.  Focused on the positive spin of what he truly desired. And still loose enough to allow for the better. 

Remember to let go of how it shows up.  Leave that up to the Universe. Your job, once you do the asking, is to follow your inner knowing to inspired actions.  The Universe will guide you.

Finally, find a moment in space and time where it feels possible.  Think of this as swinging on a swing and getting to the peak point where you seem to float in space between going up and then down.  This moment of pause is the calm that invites in your desire fulfilled.  Take time to imagine this feeling of pause as you ask for your desire.

Hints for Asking

  • Be clear. Know what you truly would like to have. (Ask for what you would like to happen.)

  • Drop the word “not.” (Don’t ask for what you don’t want to have happen.)

  • Keep it simple.

  • Play with the wording until all you can see and feel is the desire coming true (someway, somehow, whenever the timing is best). Set the course. Leave the how it will happen up to the Universe.

  • Allow for something to show up in an even better way.

  • Find a moment in space and time where it feels possible.

The intention you set is up to you.  The clarity of your asking is up to you. When you imagine your wishes coming true in that moment of pause, know that they will show up in a way that is better than you ever imagined.