Judith Joy

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Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

How to Get Unstuck in Your Life

Life is a great big experiment, and we get to choose the direction of that experiment for each of us by choosing how we would like to feel.  Last week, my blog was about following my own advice in the four-step It’s Possible Creation Process.  I chose what feelings I’d like to experience.  Taking a mile high look at my ideal life, I’d like to have full body tingles that click into place as I soar and move with ease from creation to creation with fun, laughter, and play.

And if something doesn’t match that then I’m letting it go and replacing it with things that do give me that feeling.  I’m letting go of anything that isn’t lighting me up and choosing what does.  It’s about valuing me.

The first part of the great experiment was to know what feeling I’d have in my ideal life and what that actually feels like.  The second part was to look at my life and take inventory.  The third part was to act and observe. 

As much as it felt good to choose me, it was uncomfortable because change often is so.  It’s a new feeling and my body isn’t used to it.  When looking at something and feeling uncomfortable, know that it’s not always bad.  It may just be a new feeling.  The clue is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.  And the way to do this is to allow it, feel it, and let it flow through.

That being said, the hardest part of this experiment was disappointing people by choosing me.  When I chose a course of action, others were affected.  Some who were very intuitive, knew it was coming. Others were taken by surprise.  Yet, I didn’t let it stand in my way.  I knew what I was going after...the body sensations of a full body tingle that clicks into place.

So, what was the result?  In short, I’m more focused on increasing my creativity.  Afterall, my desired ideal life has me moving from creation to creation. The idea is to raise my vibration and be more creative, and by doing so, I’m helping to open a path for others to do the same.

The first thing I did was take a look at my business.  I realized that I was doing it the way others said I should.  That was an easy change since I never really liked that way anyway.  Instead of doing what others say, I’m following the energy...what feels light, bright, and right for me.

I’m still experimenting with what it will look like.  For now, I’ll be doing the blogs, posting on social media, doing coaching when contacted to do so, teaching, and being on podcasts when called to do so.  It’s not about the pushing to get things done. It’s all based on what lights me up. 

Amazingly, I’ve found that doing flow painting brings me joy.  After I started the process, I painted a picture, which was filled with high vibes.  And something wonderful happened.  I put it on social media just for fun. On Linked In, the picture has 2,096 views as of this morning with 20 comments and 63 likes.  When I follow the energy, people can feel it, and plug into it.

Next, I looked at who I wanted to keep in my life.  Most people stayed.  It was funny when I was only part way through the list and my daughter, Shoshi, saw the keep list and didn’t see her name on it.  “Ahem,” came from her throat.  We laughed, and I put all my kids on the keep list.  (I happen to have great kids that I love spending time with.)

The process was jarring to my system and caused uncomfortable feelings, and when the adrenaline wore off, I crashed.  My energy was drained, and I just leaned into the feeling allowing my body to feel what it was feeling.  I had a few days of low energy, and then afterwards I felt more joy and expansion. Whereas before, I was drained doing one painting, as the energy flooded back, I did five paintings in a row with Taylor Swift music in the background (courtesy of Shoshi).

I still have more sorting out to do, but I know that I’m on the right path as I keep feeling better and better. And the better I feel, the more creative I become.  What is actually happening, is that my vibe is rising, I feel better, and then I have creative inspirations that I follow, which leads to my vibe rising. 

It’s a cycle that I’m truly enjoying. And you can too.  Begin by knowing what feelings you would like to experience.  Think of them in terms of body sensations.  Next, take a look at what give you those sensations and what doesn’t.  Finally, act and observe what happens. 

Ask yourself, “What else is possible?”  Once you do so, you will open the door to allow new, exciting possibilities to show themselves.  You can totally rock this experiment called life!