Judith Joy

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Are You Listening? The Way Manifestation Works

What are you actually asking for?
What nudges are presented to you?
Are you listening?
What actions are you taking?

The way manifestation works is that you ask for what you truly desire.  The Universe gives you a message of some action to take leading you to your desire. Then you act on the message. 


Do you know what it is that you would like to have by asking for what you are asking for?  Think of it in terms of your ask being the how.  For example, “I’d like a new car” could really be an ask for something reliable to get to work, for bragging rights, for a reward for a job well done, etc.

It’s not really about the car.  It’s about what that car will provide.  So, ask for what it is you would truly like to have.  And then step out of the way as the Universe leads you toward your desire.  It may show up differently than you imagined.  In fact, it may be even better.

Notice and Listen

Messages are something that you notice over and over.  The come through as thoughts, lines in a song, billboard ads, a theme or line in books, general themes that you are aware of, and so on.  Look for the common denominator of what you are noticing. (By the way, it’s easier to listen if you are quiet rather than distracting yourself with lots of activities.)

For example, if you read a book and see a line about calling a doctor, and you notice a billboard sign about calling a doctor, and you overhear someone at the next table mention how great their doctor is, perhaps it’s time to act. It might be a good idea to call your doctor.

Advertisers repeat a message to get you to pay attention and act (buy their product).  Instead of listening to the same advertiser over and over with the same message, pay attention if the message is popping up in multiple areas of your life.


You act based on what you notice.  This is the Universal way to lead you to the next step to achieving your desire. 

Sometimes you notice, listen, and then act.  You pay attention to what you are nudged to do.  Then, the Universe gives you the next step in the form of another message, and you follow that with another action. And so on.

Other times, you don't listen to the message. You either don't like what you hear or notice or it's not what you expect. Or you are wrapped up in some belief that runs counter to what your true desire is. So, you ignore the message.

Then you ask again thinking the Universe didn't hear you the first time. The Universe did. You were the one not listening.  You are given another message. This time instead of a nudge, the message is a bit stronger. The messages will keep getting stronger until something major happens. 

This stronger message can seem hard or uncomfortable and is actually a blessing. It's the Universe nudging you towards your desire. Even if it's an illness, pain, or change of circumstances.

Real Life Example

This happened to a friend of mine. He was running himself ragged, and his deepest desire was to rest and sleep in a bed. He was sleeping on airplanes as he ran from job site to job site.

He thought that he was helping people and was so valuable that it was worth depleting himself.  Well, the Universe delivered.

He was able to sleep because he went to jail for something his then-wife did, because he was ultimately responsible for his business and the government wanted to make an example out of him. She was in charge of the office and took advantage of the situation.

He slept for the first three months of his sentence. He got his truest desire.  He hadn't acted on the earlier messages. If he had, chances are that he would have noticed what his then-wife was doing. And more importantly, he would have gotten some sleep and not needed the two-by-four upside his head.

Today, he's taking care of himself and helping others do the same.  

So, the questions for you are: 

  • What is you really want by wanting what you want?

  • What are the repeating messages you notice around you?

  •  Are you paying attention to the subtle messages?

  • What actions are you being led to take?

  • In short, are you listening?

It’s your life.  It’s up to you what type of life experiences you would like to create with it.  The Universe is willing to help you if you ask.  In fact, it probably has an even better way of fulfilling your request than you could imagine on your own.  You are being led to the next action.  Are you listening?

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