Judith Joy

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The Law of Increase – Change your Focus to Change your Results

The world seems to be spinning out of control.  However, you don’t have to be. You can have peace.  (And incidentally, when you are feeling peaceful, your circumstances will improve.) Just because your neighbor is sick, poor, or making really bad decisions, doesn’t mean you have to also.

There are two Universal laws in play here.  The law of increase and it’s sibling, the law of decrease.  One improves your prosperity and the other lets prosperity slip through your fingers.  When I’m talking about prosperity, I mean in all things – health, relationships, finances, fun, and so on. 

(FYI, prosperity is more than abundance.  Prosperity is defined as a successful, flourishing, and thriving condition. Whereas abundance is an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply.  It doesn’t say anything about thriving or flourishing. Prosperity is more than just a lot.)

Both laws deal with where your focus is. It’s all about how you talk to yourself and the world around you.

To take advantage of the law of increase:

  1. Let your main thoughts be of excellence in health, riches, prosperity, success, and overall good stuff. 

  2. Visualize them. 

  3. Be clear and concise in your thoughts. 

  4. Speak boldly and positively about them.  (Although, you don’t have to share your thoughts with people who will put you down.  If others are negative, that’s their deal.  You just focus on you being positive about everything.)

  5. Be grateful.

  6. Find the peace within yourself in which you believe it is possible and already on its way to you, if not already happening.

I know you don’t want less prosperity, but just in case you’d like things to be difficult and to limit your good, then switch your focus to the law of decrease where you are never satisfied.  Talk negatively about yourself and others.  Gossip and complain.  Point out mistakes and what the other person (or yourself) is doing wrong.  Assume the worst. You get the idea.  This is how most people live.

Dare to be different.

What you say, think, and believe has a direct correlation with the results that show up.  Remember the advice about raising children – catch them being good.  The more you are looking for the “good,” the more you will find.  And the more the child will give you.

This is how the Universe works.  What you focus on is what you get.

My husband and his son have been using the law of increase and clearing out any and all thoughts and feelings that don’t match their true desire, a really exciting project.  They are having amazing results that literally fall into their laps.  

Hotel room upgrades.  The “right” person (who will help with the next phase of the project) ended up sitting next to my husband on a plane.  My stepson talked to a bus driver about the project and the driver was so excited that he called his sister immediately, who is the exact person in the government that they needed to talk to.  While at a trade show, they sat down to rest and the person they were going to look for next sat down next to them. 

So, the next time you are hurrying around, stressed about something, stop.  That’s right.  Instead of hurrying, pause.  Give yourself the space and time to reset your focus.  Then give thanks for receiving your desire.  Feel the peace, BEFORE taking your next step.

By the way, this works really well for me.  I’m not exactly always on time.  I used to get stressed out about it. I’d be late to a doctor’s appointment, get upset, my heart rate would speed up and my stomach would clench.

Then I tried the law of increase.  My self-talk changed from “Oh no, I’m late. This is disrespectful.  I won’t be liked. I’m never...” to “I’ll arrive at the perfect time.  The doctor is ready when I am.” 

Amazing things happened.  The traffic cleared up. The doctor thanked me for the extra time as his last patient needed some extra care. And I walked into his office in a calm state of mind and being.   Thus, I was more present for the appointment.  And over time, the law of increase actually helped me be on time.

In the law of increase there is no hurry, force, push, or lack of opportunity.  The law of increase and the feeling of peace work hand in hand. It’s your job to know what you want, think positively about it (and truthfully everything), give thanks, and be at peace before taking your next action step.  The rest is up to the Universe.

Dare to be different.  Dare to use the law of increase and watch as your life takes off and prosperity find you.

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