Manifestation blog

I have over ten years’ of writing for my blog.
For convenience and ease, I am only sharing the past year of my blog. Enjoy!

HIGH VIBE HOLIDAYS: Love is an Inside Job
Booster Judith Joy Booster Judith Joy

HIGH VIBE HOLIDAYS: Love is an Inside Job

Love is at the center of the holiday season. And yet, many people are feeling anything but love. Irritation, stress, judgment and so on seem to run rampant. Did you know it is possible to turn this around? It is possible to feel the love…even in the moments that you don’t feel it.

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HIGH VIBE HOLIDAYS: questions open the door to feeling better
Booster Judith Joy Booster Judith Joy

HIGH VIBE HOLIDAYS: questions open the door to feeling better

What is it you would like? Getting along with your family? More time in the day? Less to do? High vibes of kindness, peace, joy and enthusiasm? Whatever it is, put your focus there. Forget for the moment about what is and imagine what could be. Involve all of your senses to make the imagined thoughts feel even more real.

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HIGH VIBE HOLIDAYS: The Secret Ingredient
Booster Judith Joy Booster Judith Joy

HIGH VIBE HOLIDAYS: The Secret Ingredient


If you’ve been to one of my workshops or have been reading my blogs, you know what the secret ingredient is. Think about it. What would boost your holiday experiences? What would make this time of year even better? Have you guessed it yet?

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