This is an oldie but goodie originally published in 1910. Wattles was part of the New Thought Movement. As such, the book focuses on the thought aspect of creating wealth, which he defines as the desire for a richer, fuller, more abundant life. To achieve this, he encourages the reader to form a clear, definite picture of what is wanted and then stay focused on it.
When he talks about feeling the desire, he refers to having faith and believing it is so. He doesn’t focus on how to achieve the faith.
Wattles, encourages the reader to act as well as think. He refers to acting as preparing the way to receive. He encourages the reader to focus on what can be done today and let go of planning to fail.
Golden Nugget: “You can have anything you want, as long as you use it for the advancement of your own life and the lives of others.” P. 33