Scripting is a very structured program about quantum mechanics and how to use it through writing journals to yourself from yourself. Christyn is an actor and used his method to create the life (and roles) he wanted. He is not a quantum physicist or scientist; however, he loves doing deep dives (as do I) to better understand the world around us.
The way it works is at the beginning of the day, write a journal entry as if it was the end of the day. Talk about all the awesome things that happened during the day (as you would like them to happen, but as if they already did). Then at the end of the day, write a journal entry of what actually happened. Over time, the end of the day entry will match the beginning of the day entry. There are also weekly, monthly, and yearly journals you can do.
Personally, while I found this book helpful, I felt overwhelmed by the number of journals and the insistence of doing them so often. He is very insistent with his wording, and I prefer to feel that I have choice. That being said, I do use parts of this method and have found it helpful.
Golden Nugget: “You must believe that what you are writing is not only possible but also very likely, if not absolute.” P. 50