Richard Dotts is a spiritual explorer and has written many books about creative manifestations and leading a fulfilling life.  He shares how to apply timeless principles to our daily life. Each book is short and very informative. 

This one is focused on manifesting money – or so it says.  In reality, it’s about putting yourself in the energetic space to open yourself to receiving your desires.  That’s right, your job is to BE the energy of your desires so that your manifestations can come in.

This book is simple to understand, has many examples to clarify the concepts, and has simple exercises that take just a few minutes a day.  Of course, the longer you do them, the better you feel, and the more ease you will have.  That being said, it’s not about doing.  It’s about learning to be the energy.  From there, the magic happens.

Golden Nugget: “Instead of worrying endlessly about your finances and debt, make a conscious decision right now to worry about them for just 15 minutes a day.” P. 33  (The rest of the book tells you how to stay in the peaceful state you experience when you no longer worry.)

